The New Guy

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and reach over to turn it off. I rub my eyes and looked at the time thinking why I set my alarm so early

I get up and get dressed and put on my makeup. I look in the mirror and try to give myself a small smile of encouragement but fail in the process as the memories of what the bullies said to me on the bus yesterday flash threw my mind as I hold back tears and walk out of the bathroom to eat. I grab some cereal and a bowl and start eating. When I was done I walked back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, grabbed my backpack , phone, and ear buds and started to walk.

I immediately put my ear buds in and wait for the bus.

It comes finally and I walk on the bus as kids stare at me. One sticks his foot out and I fall over it feeling like a moron as the other kids start to laugh I get back up tears threatening to fill my eyes. I get to the back seat and sit in my normal spot as I see josh and give him a weak smile. We stop at an unusual place and pic up another kid. He was me..and he was new..

He was fresh meat.

As soon as he got on the bus people started laughing and whispering. He took the seat in front of me as one of the bullies come up to me and yank out my earbud.

"What's wrong goth chick?" He says laughing.

"G-go away.." I tell him trying to take back my earbud but he snatches it away and makes a tsk tsk Sound.

"Now now..why don't we share your music to everyone on the bus?" He puts his hand where the ear buds are plugged in and yanks it as "Knives and Pens" by Black Veil Brides starts playing and I'm as red as a beat.

The kids start to laugh and make fun of my music and I can feel tears on my cheeks as I look at him.

" Aww poor don't have any other emo friends do you?" He snickers. Suddenly there was a loud yell.

"JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" His voice was booming and he sounded angry, it made me jump a bit. The bully started to walk to the new guy.

"Why don't you make m-" He was cut off by a loud smacking sound as he holds his cheek and the new guy stands up, pushes him out of the way and takes a seat next to me.

"Hey..its OK.." He said to me soothingly. I smiled at him.


Hey guys!!! Soooo this is my new story about Johnnie Guilbert!!! Of course he is amazingness and you guys probably know who he is lol well thank you guys so much for reading I love you guys!!! So remember your perfect in your own way and your amazing and peace out pocket puggles!!!!

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