Admirer[Nijimura Shuzo]

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It was the way he played that captivated you at first. His drives were fast and he always finishes them strong if not with an assist. After just watching one game of Teikou's basketball team, you did your best to know more about that player who wears number four on his jersey.

You then learned his name, "Nijimura... Shuzo," you smiled inwardly as you tried his name on your lips. After his name, you learned his year and even his freakin' schedule. You found out that his birthday is on the tenth of July and that he likes fried rice. It took a lot of effort to dig up information about him while being discreet at the same time, but you were sure it was all worth it.

You had learned that he had rejected every other girl who had confessed to him. Some rumors were actually flying around that he might actually be interested in guys. Of course you didn't believe them. Like how could he be? And besides those rumors started from some third years who had nothing better to do anyway.

A classmate of yours had experienced his rejection and was even generous enough to share it.

"He said it would be rather unfair cause he's always super busy and basketball takes up most of his time..." she said, "And know what? He thinks he's not worthy of such affections!"

She didn't sound upset. Did she actually like him? Was she even serious with her confession? You did your best not to express your contempt with the girl. Maybe she was just hiding it. Give her the benefit of the doubt, _______.

Still, you felt thrilled with the piece of information. He's modest. But then again, there's another rumor flying around that he might actually be dating someone secretly. You refused to believe that rumor. They're just rumors...

As time went by, you found yourself getting deeper and deeper with your attraction towards your senpai. You found it cute how he moves his upper lip which he unconsciously does when he's annoyed. You had even noticed it how he had always kept his fringe short. Having them reach his eyes must be annoying, so it was very much understandable why he'd keep them short. You had even noticed that he has a pair of basketball shoes that he only uses during official matches.

But Nijimura Shuzo had always seemed unreachable. He's the captain of the strongest basketball team in middle school level. And he's your senpai. There's just this kind of air that surrounded him that made him seem even more unreachable than he already is.

You turned into another of his secret admirers without you even noticing it.

He's unreachable, you had always thought. But there were times when Nijimura Shuzo, seemed to have stepped down to be within your reach.


Your teacher had asked you to take the papers to the faculty room. Really, being the class representative also means being an errand girl. The stack of paper was quite high, almost three-fourths the size of a ruler. You walked as fast and as carefully as you could. Unfortunately, a student bumped you-

"Careful there," a deep male voice you know so well said while two hands managed to support the stack of paper as his body blocked the papers that threatened to fall forward and scatter all over the floor. His calloused hands were right under yours and you could've died of happiness right there and then.

"N-Nijimura-senpai?" you blurted out staring up at him. He just gave you a carefree smile as he helped you make sure the papers were stacked properly as you carried them.

"Well, er, I can help you carry that...?" he said letting go while straightening his back.

"N-No, it's fine-" you didn't even get to finish before he took half of the papers.

A Different Kind of Game [Kuroko no Basuke - Various x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now