Uncovering the Truth

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Please give my story a chance and carry on reading after this chapter.
Also I haven't had the heart in me to kill a load of people as they just don't deserve to die.
All the characters belong to the lovely J.K.Rowling.

Hermione's POV
It has been a month since the war ended if I had, had a normal year I would have finished school in a month. However that is not the case and Hogwarts is being rebuilt by the teachers. I am coping with my loss at first I didn't know what to do when I found out that I couldn't reverse my parents memories. Even though they hadn't been there most loving of parents they had been kind and always helped me out. There were never many hugs and kisses, or bedtime stories, but I suppose not everyone is like that.

At the moment I am sorting out the boxes in my parents attic with all my baby things and old toys. So many memories filling just a small space.

As finished sorting through one box I moved onto the next, this one had a rusty bolt which I easily removed with a flick of my wand. Inside the box were a couple of files with my name on, thinking that they would be full of photos I picked up the one nearest me.

As I looked at the first sheet I gasped with shock, it was an adoption letter stating my new name. This would mean that my parents were fake, I might not even be a muggleborn, at this I clutched my left arm rubbing my thumb along the scarring.

I look through the box again and find a letter with a post-it note on it saying
Letter to Hermione from her birth parents came with her when she was brought to the adoption agency. This is in my mothers handwriting so I cast it aside and open the letter, it says:
To our beloved daughter,
No matter who you become we will love you,
Even if you do not know we will love you,
When the war is over we will find you,
When he is gone we will find you,
We are so sorry
We will love you always

On another piece of paper it read:
Tell her she is the purest of the pure, tell her she is a pureblood.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do I just sat their until I decided to make myself a cup of tea to calm myself.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and opened the window for fresh air. As I put the kettle on a very regal looking white owl came swooping in to stand in front of me.
I took the letter of it and read it before quickly running up to my room to get changed.
To our daughter,
We will be here in half an hour


I know it probably isn't the best but I am only doing this for fun so.....
Please tell me what you think even if this chapter isn't very good, I promise it will get better.

Hermione ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now