Days like this

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Christina POV
I got up early the next morning, I had to go get presents for the twins. As soon as I tried to walk to the bathroom, quietly. Chris calls me, "Babyy!!" I sigh and walk back to the room, "what?"

He looked up from his phone and put his arms out. I walked to him and laughed, "you act like a baby," I said hugging him. Chris got up and kissed me, "your baby."

I smiled and walked behind him. "I gotta drop Royalty off to her mom." Once he said that, I rolled my eyes, "she's not staying for the twins party?"

Chris turned around and looked at me, "I'm going to get her before their party. Of course she gonna go to that party, India forcing me."

I rolled my eyes, of course she's making him bring Royalty. It's not that I have anything against Royalty, she's a beautiful little girl.

It's just I'm not over the fact that Chris got another girl pregnant. I walked into C.J room, he was watching tv. "Mommy I hungry," he said getting up.

I picked him up and kissed him, "cereal?" He nodded his head and laughed, "yes please." I'm glad he got manners, that daycare teaching him right.

I walked downstairs and saw Chris playing with Royalty. "Goodmorning Royalty," I said giving her kiss. She smiled and clapped her hands. "Chris can you make them both some cereal?"

Chris nodded his head and got up. I looked at my phone, India was calling.

Sissy❤️ - Hey sis.

- Wassup?

Sissy❤️ - Nothing what you doing?

- Sitting with the kiddies. You?

Sissy❤️ - With the twins, getting them dress.

- Where y'all going?

Sissy❤️ - August mom house, he didn't come home last night.

I shook my head and tapped Chris.

- What happened last night?

Chris looked at me, I mouthed the words, "call August." Chris put the kids cereal in front of them and went back upstairs.

Sissy❤️ - He got into a fight with his dad.

Chris POV
I walked upstairs into Christina & I is bedroom and called August. It ringed 5 times, until he finally answered.

August- Wassup Chris?

- Wassup with you and India?

August- Nothing, why?

- She told Stina you ain't come home last night.

August- Chris I fucked up again.

I walked to the door and looked outside to make sure Christina wasn't coming upstairs. I closed the door.

- What'd you do now?

August- Autumn crib.

- And?

August- I had sex with her.

- what the fuck why? Your kids birthday in a week and you & India just got back together.

Just the beginning ( august alsina story )Where stories live. Discover now