Chapter 3

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Sorry if this chapter is shit. I have my end of year exams next week, and I’m stressed as hell.

On a happier note, anybody else watching the BGT finals tonight? (so many singing acts lol). The egg woman omg.


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Zayn took the fastest route to the kitchen, although he didn’t anticipate the amount of people crowding around him, asking him endless questions that all meant the same thing. It was times like this that made him actually wish he was incredibly unpopular, something most people would never imagine popular people could think.

Upon running into the kitchen, he saw the platter of food the chef had just finished preparing. Being the son of the person that hired all of the people there, he didn’t have to ask; simply took the platter in his hands, and hurried out.

Again, crowds of people began to surround him, this time asking him endless questions about why he didn’t answer their previous questions. It only made Zayn wish more for unpopularity.

Soon, the blonde mop of hair came into view. Niall was lying on the grass, no doubt staring at the sky. He suddenly sat up with a sharp intake of breath when he noticed Zayn was there.

“Sorry, did I scare you?” Zayn said, taking a seat on the grass next to Niall and placing the platter in front of them.

Niall shook his head, changing Zayn’s expression from a worried one to a smiling one.

“Open.” Zayn said, taking a chocolate coated strawberry and placing it in front of Niall’s mouth. The blonde boy hesitated, before taking a small bite.

“It’s…really nice.” He said after a while of blushing whilst chewing.

“Yeah, the chef here is awesome. If you come to any more of my parties, I’ll get him to make you his specialty.” Zayn added with a wink, before taking the half bitten strawberry and eating it.

Niall’s face became redder, if it was even possible. Surely people weren’t so open to sharing bitten things on the first time they were having a proper conversation?

Zayn laid down on the grass, staring up at the sky, just like Niall had done moments ago.

“Is it strange that sometimes, I wonder what the sky would be like without stars? They’re just always…there.” Zayn said.

 “Not at all,” he replied, his Irish accent thick. “For me, stars are like people. You always find one that stands out to you.”

“Mmm.” Zayn agreed, his focus now on Niall’s face. He could see faded bruises, and couldn’t resist reaching his hand out and touching one. Of course Niall flinched at stared at Zayn, his eyes big and pupils small. Despite realising what happened, his breath was still quiet yet fast.

“How did you get the bruise?” Zayn asked Niall.

“Oh, that I uh- must’ve banged my face without realising...” Niall stuttered, knowing that Zayn was onto his secrets. “I have to go.”

He got up and prepared to run, but Zayn was faster. He grabbed Niall by the wrist, and with a small tug Niall managed to land on top of him.

“I’m sorry Niall, I didn’t mean to ask any personal questions, don’t leave.” Zayn said quickly, squeezing Niall who was now sitting on him.

“I-I-i-it’s okay.” Niall stumbled upon his words, the warmth of a hug a weird feeling for him.

“Can we please be friends?” Zayn asked, looking deep into blue eyes. Niall could see only desperation, but that was the least of what he noticed. He still found the whole concept strange. He just couldn’t work out Zayn’s thought process in his head.

“S-sure.” Niall often stuttered when he was nervous.

Zayn seemed relieved at the reply as he sighed deeply, flopping on the grass. He seemed to have found Niall’s weakness. Subconsciously, he began playing with Niall’s hair, which only made the blonde boy feel strangely relaxed, and he couldn’t help closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling. Soon, Zayn heard soft, steady breaths from the head on his chest.


When Zayn awoke, he couldn’t find Niall anywhere. Naturally, he became worried and began running around the house, in search of him, and naturally he was released of all burdens when he saw Niall was in the living room, picking up various cans and packaging.

“Mornin’” Zayn said. “Watcha’ doing?”

“Well...the place looks a bit...trashed, so I thought I should probably clean up?” Niall’s answer became more of a question.

“But you didn’t cause any of it. Besides, I’ve got people to do that.” Seeing Niall’s expression change, he quickly added. “Not in an arrogant way. I meant some people work as cleaners, and my family hires a few.”

Niall nodded slowly. Hiring someone to do housework was so money-wasting to Niall, when he did all the housework in his house (if it was even considered that), unless he wanted to get shouted at, or worse.

“So yeah, I was thinking. Wanna do something today? We could go into the games room if you’d like, unless you have to go home, that is.”

Niall shook his head. “It’s fine, my parents don’t uh...mind that much.”

It seemed like he stuttered when he lied as well.

“Great! Let’s go then!” Zayn ran over to Niall, took his hand and began leading him upstairs.

“You guys are still here?” Half way up the stairs, Zayn was met by Harry and Louis.

“Since we’re talking to you right now, I suppose yep.” Louis replied, before catching Niall in the corner of his eye.

“Hey Niall, can I talk to you a sec?” Louis said. Niall didn’t know how to reply. He didn’t want to leave Zayn, yet, Louis had asked.

Zayn knew Niall wouldn’t be able to come up with an answer comfortably, and responded for him instead.

“I don’t see why not. You guys would be great friends. But be quick, Niall and I have things planned.”

Louis nodded. Zayn and Harry began walking upstairs, whilst Louis lead Niall downstairs and out of the house for a walking chat.

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