Chapter 5 PREVIEW

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Hello my dear readers.

I deeply, sincerley apologise for not updating. Yes, I feel really bad, so please don't remind me :X

If you can be bothered going to my profile, I have explained my absence there.

I feel that now I am back, the wait has been waaaay too long and I desparately need to post something.

However, all I have is what I wrote before exams.

So, here is a preview for chapter 5! I will post the completely chapter as soon as I am done.

Thankyou all for your patience...

(Btw, can anybody give a name that would fit Niall’s stepdad? It’s tiring endlessly typing Niall’s stepdad, and I get confused between whether I used ‘stepdad’ or ‘stepfather’.


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Niall had no idea how he managed to end up in the front garden of his house. Regardless of what was happening that place was the last place he wanted to be. Although, being so lost in thought over what Louis had said meant his concentration wasn’t on where he was going, and the bitter nostalgia of a life he once had took over his body. His mind may have been on Zayn, but that didn’t stop his legs from taking him to a place that he used to call home.

There was nowhere else to go, and judging by the clouds, it was going to rain soon.

He took a deep breath before pushing the door. Unlocked. It wasn’t like anybody was going to try and steal from his house, it looked terrible from the outside, let alone the inside.

It was habitual for him to take tiny, silent steps. The only sound heard was a slam, and he immediately found himself pressed against the wall being held by his collar.

“You see my face? You see this bruise? I almost got my ass kicked in because of you. Now what did you do with the money?”

Niall shook his head in the amount he could manage.

“I-I don’t know-“ He croaked.

His stepdad sighed. In most families, it would’ve been a sigh of desperation or worry – the father was worried about his sons’ grades, or about his sons’ well-being. In this case however, it was less of a sigh. It was more like a release of breath in anger.

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...and that is all.

I'm such a terrible person :(

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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