Chapter 4

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Wow, I got so many comments on the last chapter! I’ve seen some authors post that they don’t like comments telling them to update, but to be honest, I’m really glad for those comments because they mean that someone’s reading my story and enjoying it.

If there’s anything in this chapter you don’t understand, feel free to ask. Sometimes I don’t know if things are clear enough, because I know what’s going to happen in my head but I don’t know if I’ve written it well enough.


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Let’s just say Zayn’s house was absolutely huge. Niall thought that the massive front garden, pool, living room leading into hundreds of different rooms and back garden where he had stayed with Zayn last night meant the house was big, but he was now discovering that they somehow managed to fit a pathway in the side of it as well.

Niall stayed silent throughout the whole walk. Louis wasn’t one of those people that Niall could remember specifically looking at him strangely or talk about him behind his back, but still, Niall found Louis, in a way…strange. No doubt Louis was strange – he could be camp and cheerful, and pouty and gloomy at the same time. Yet there was just something about him that made Niall feel he should take caution around him.

“You don’t speak very much, do you?” Louis laughed. Niall was at a loss of words, which made Louis laugh even harder.

“Sorry, I must’ve asked a trick question. I’m Louis Tomlinson, but I’m known as ‘The Tommo’.” He extended his hand towards Niall.

“I already knew that.” Niall muttered, but accepted the hand shake. “So…”

They continued walking.

“So what?”

“…why am I here?”

Louis stopped and spun so they were face to face.

“One word. Zayn.” He cut off Niall before he could comment anything. “It’s obvious you like him.”

It came out as more of a statement, which completely caught Niall off guard. He wasn’t expecting that.

“Wh-what? I-I-I don’t! I mean, he’s nice and all and he’s the only person that talks to me, but that doesn’t mean anything!” Niall rambled. He should’ve thought of an answer in his head before opening his mouth.

“Stuttering.” Louis tapped Niall on the nose with his finger. “The most obvious sign of lying. So! How do you plan on telling him?”

He began walking in circles around Niall.

“I don’t plan on telling him, because I don’t like him!” Niall exclaimed.

“I was thinking, you should probably just tell him. It’s the easiest way, get it out and done with.”

Talking to Louis was like talking to a brick wall.

“Will you listen to me? I. Don’t. Like. Zayn! And will you stop walking around in circles? It’s making me dizzy.”

“I know! Did you see that poster on the main entrance door? You should make a gift and pay them to deliver it! Not only do you get to tell Zayn, you also make money for charity. I think it’s great!”

Was Louis’ skull really that thick?

“Louis. Answer me seriously without going into your own world. What makes you think I like Zayn?”

Louis stopped in his tracks.

“You’re asking me that?”

“What do you mean I’m asking you that? You’re the one that keeps walking around me in circles, asking me how I’m going to somehow confess something I-“

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