Chapter 5: Irina Jelavic

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Since I think that the previous chapter is super lame, and totally not a good proper chapter, I decided to make another lame crappy chappie! ^○^ Yayyyy! ...but, 2 chapters in a day o.o took a lot outta me... Oh, and, I don't really do dedications, but if you don't mind having a really lame crappy chappie being dedicated to you, then just tell me in tha commentz :D Hava nice day everyone ^-^

A few days skipped by uneventfully, from a baseball-talented boy named Sugino getting all felt up by Koro-sensei, to Okuda's bold chemical assassination attempt. But today the class was in for quite a surprise.

As soon as the new teacher walked in, Akira sat up and just stared.

She even rubbed her eyes repeatedly a number of times, blinked them more than once, used her fingers to open her eyes wider, pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming, and stared some more.

To say a person watching her would be snickering away at her attempts would be an understatement.

But the rest of the class was doing, though not as exaggeratedly, similar things.

Akira had taken the past few days to finally learn and remember some of her classmates' names, and would gladly point out perhaps more than a few different reactions to their new teacher's arrival.

She decided to start with, rather than her classmates', but their P.E. teacher's reaction.

Karasuma-sensei was looking rather disturbed and slightly appalled by the rather interesting appearance. But he was mostly exasperated.

Kaede Kayano. The greenie and only person who had seen Akira without glasses. From what she had observed over the past few days, Kayano absolutely despised people with big, well, boobs. Or more accurately, she despised the boobs themselves.

Of course this would mean she had no problem with Akira, who kept her chest tightly wrapped with bandages so they wouldn't get in her way at any time.

Kayano was staring with a certain intensity at the new teacher, with what emotion Akira couldn't tell.

Both she and Nagisa were sweating profusely, though most probably for different reasons.

Nagisa had taken out a notebook, and was about to jot down another observation he felt he would gain of Koro-sensei's weakness from this sudden event.

And then he sweatdropped.

Together with the rest of the class.

The class felt some surprise as well as plenty of exasperation as Koro-sensei suddenly showed the first expression similar to man in terms of both expression and meaning- blushing.

The exasperation was for the most part, as Koro-sensei continued to look rather obviously at the new teacher's boobs, each time glancing away, his face a bright pink, yet blissful.

Only one word could describe him.


"...what a straightforward expression," Kayano muttered.

Akira couldn't agree more.

Well let's stop putting off the new teacher.

Now's the time to start talking about Irina Jelavic.

At least, that was what she called herself.

The blonde foreigner had entered the classroom with Koro-sensei, clinging almost desperately to one of Koro-sensei's tentacles, and claiming that she would be teaching the class English.

Her attire was, perhaps, to be described as less than desirable to look at. It certainly exposed more than a sufficient amount of cleavage, and though the class suspected someone like her, entering at this time of the year, having something up her sleeve, with her rather obvious attempt at sidling up to Koro-sensei, the latter didn't seem to notice a thing.

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