Chapter 6: Assassination Fail

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I'm sorry. O.O I had this completed in my library and all, and actually forgot to publish it. I'm a terrible person :(

The events that lead on after that made Akira seriously consider ditching class for the first time. Well, more specifically, ditching English.

Though she didn't have any motivation to study, she didn't want anybody chasing her to go to school all the time, and she wanted to observe her classmates, anyway.

In class C, ditching had always remained an available option for her, as every day she observed the same things from her classmates, which grew to be pretty boring for her.

Her classmates would always be studying furiously, their motivation perhaps envying Class A and B, or refusing to fall back further with the risk of dropping into Class E, or both.

That had been in her second year, however, and they had received their results only the next year due to some technical difficulty, so she had only learned after the first few days that she had been dropped into Class E.

When she had first stepped into Class E she felt that it would be a lot different than her previous class before she even met Koro-sensei, and she was right.

But English... you could say Irina Jelavic was less than an ideal teacher.

Although Akira had no actual motivation in studying, she already had some knowledge in English, and, surprising even herself, had been looking forward to impressing the teacher.

She had slightly hoped the teacher to be Koro-sensei, since his praises always made you feel some sense of pride, so when Irina Jelavic the hit-woman came, Akira was quite disappointed.

Ditching class right then could also mean her missing out on any fun that might take place as a result of Karma's pranks, which she had learnt to look forward to after he had been the first one to harm Koro-sensei, so in the end she settled on just sleeping.

The class's 'b*tch nee-san' sat at the front of the class, tapping away on her tablet, and flipping through papers, refusing to speak with anyone, though occasionally looking up to wink at Nagisa, who would shoot up in his seat with an alarmed expression, leading her to turn back to her tablet and smirk.

As she began to slumber, it suddenly came to Akira as a thought that maybe sleeping was a rather bad idea. It was too late, though.

Her pitch-black dream world suddenly brightened into the full fledged colour of an arena.

Akira looked around her, and realised she was standing in the center of the arena. Around her, sitting on the sides of the stadium and watching her, were her classmates. None of them were smiling at her, and most looked tense and kept fidgeting.

Then she heard a door open, and she spun around to see Koro-sensei enter the arena, in his usual teacher's attire, face a striped yellow and green: mocking and confident. A silhouette was seen behind him.

She strained her eyes, and froze as she watched Jin strut out from the shadows.

He had a silver chest plate on and was gripping a spear tightly in one hand. His face was curiously blank and didn't seem to notice Akira's presence.

Speaking of Jin, Akira just realised she hadn't seen him since their last dance class togethe, though they usually came across each other after school.

She tried calling out to him but for some reason her body refused to obey her and, though her mouth opened, no sound came out.

Akira tried to speak a few more times, but only succeeded in looking like a gaping goldfish.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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