Chapter 1

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Mmmmm so this work... Ah well it has much personal meaning to me. I'm not sure. Well, I have this book planned detail by detail from front to back and wrote up to chapter 5 before I lost ALL OF MY LIKE THIRTY PAGE CHAPTER BY CHAPTER DESCRIPTION! So I am highly angry and can't really continue after that because I really have no clue what happens after chapter 5~ gah. So, enjoy these chapters until I figure out what to do.

Monster I Become- Chapter 1

  Pounding music mixed with the gagging scent of vodka is a good brew for most. Sliding your body against those around you on the dance floor; it’s a feeling most my age crave and will risk everything for. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Sitting here, all I can do is listen to their insane escape stories. Why would teenagers give up their parents trust for this?

    “Hey!” a voice calls over the music but I can’t pin point where it came from so I carry on in my own little world. “Hey, you look lonely!” they yell again and my eyes fall on the source. The older teen sits beside me on the old sofa. “I’m-”

    A loud beat cuts off his name but I pretend to hear it. I want this conversation done and over with as soon as possible. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Jade!” I shout and he shoves a hand between us. I shake it reluctantly and push myself deeper into the soft cushions of the couch, trying to hide. Why did he have to talk to me? He is at a party to have fun not to keep the random tag along company.

    “It’s nice to finally meet you too,” he says and I freeze up.

    “Wait, what-”

    Before I can finish my sentence, he cuts me off. “Want to go up and dance? The music isn’t so bad this time. Actually, it’s pretty good.”

    “Hold on a minute, what did you-”

    He refuses to let me ask my question and I can feel impatience swelling in my chest. The boy grabs my hand and pulls me up. Every muscle in my body contracts instinctively to his sudden touch and my breathing shallows immensely. My vision spots as my brain attempts to suck in my oxygen in which my lungs are allowing.

    “Gah,” is all I can manage.

    However, slowly I regain control and I calm down as he drags me onto a less crowded part of dance floor. It was once just the living room but all the furniture has been shoved in the closet in the corner. It must be one big closet, I think. With my brain distracted from his hand in mine, I turn to face him. He is definitely tall with a bit of afternoon fuzz on his face. How old is he? My eyes wander up and down his body, studying his details; his eyes are a funny shade of pale blue, almost a grey and they don’t match his blonde hair at all. He has to be wearing contacts.

    I watch him dance, letting the music move him. It’s fascinating. He laughs, bouncing his hips to the fast pace tunes. He doesn’t let his eyes linger on me very long; his gaze float around the room, not focusing on anything but the beat coming from the stereo. I wish I could act as freely as him.

    “Jade, why aren’t you dancing?” he inquires once the song stops. Another will be drilled into our heads any moment now.

    My cheeks turn red. “I’ve never really danced,” I admit. For as long as I have been coming here with Jace, I’ve actually been asked to do anything but find a corner and stay there. I don’t know why he even brings me along. “I should… I should go…”

    He cups his large hands around my face and the music in the background hits but darts around us. I’ve never been so close to anyone to feel their breath on my face and I’m not panicking. “Jade, you can dance.” His words are enchanting. “Just follow the music. Find your space.” What was it about him that made me shiver? Men are frightening people who can cause so much harm just by balling their fists but he doesn’t seem that way. He’s gentle with me, touching my face as if I’ll break.

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