4-ryan for najela

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The 4 imagine of 6. For celebrating the 1000 reads. This is for one of my best friends.
I lie in bed, eyes still closed, not ready to face the day yet. I let out a groan and stretch your arms out, expecting to find a Ryan shaped lump in the sheets next to me, but you find nothing. My eyes open in confusion as I  sit up and look next to me . Instead of the normal sight of Ryan in his pajama, still sound asleep, there are just empty sheets. I get up, and start listen for found a some sound. "Ryan ?" I Call out. You stand still, listening for a muffled response. Nothing. Nothing at all... not even the usual fussing of your  one year old daughter, Sarah, who is never quiet. You rush into the next room, the nursery, and check her cradle. Empty. By now, your freaking out, but you try to remain calm. There has to be an explanation.
"Ryan? Sarah?" you call once again. You listen, but still nothing. You try to remain calm as you check the remainder of the rooms on your floor, but you still find nothing. At this point, your starting to panic. You run downstairs, and through your living room. You're on the edge of calling the cops when you enter the dining room and stop short in your tracks.
There, in front of you is Ryan, holding your child, who is wrapped up in a blanket, smiling at you. On the table in front of him is a huge plate of Waffles with syrup of red fruit and a cup
Of Macciatto
"Surprise," he says.
After you get over your initial sense of shock and relief, you run over and tackle him in a hug, being sure not to crush your child.
"Woah, babe. If I'd known that making you breakfast made you this excited, I'd have done it long ago," he laughs, surprised.
"No it's not that..." you manage, but tears of relief and the aftershock of your terror threaten to spill from your eyes.
He notices and immediately assumes a more somber expression. "Babe, what's wrong?" he asks.
"I... I thought... I didn't know where you were and I got scared and then Sarah wasn't in her crib and I though..." you ramble on before the tears finally take over. Ryan  places your daughter in the little bouncy chair she has that marks her place at the table before taking you into his arms, your face in his chest and his chin on your head.
"Babe I'm so sorry I didn't know, otherwise I never would have..." he trails off.
"It's fine, I known you didn't mean to scare me," you say, the tears finally stopping. You sniff and laugh a little. "Well. This food better be pretty damn good."
He laughs too, and you only then realize that he had been tearing up.
"Baby why are you crying?" you ask, laughing a little. He laughs too, wiping his eyes slightly.
"I just hate to see you hurt," he confesses.
"Aww babe! That's so sweet! but I'm fine now," you tell him.
"I know," he smiles, as he leans in to kiss me. You smile into the kiss. You still get butterflies when you kiss him, just like the first time, three years ago. You're interrupted when Sarah starts to cry. He pulls away and you state into each other's eyes.
"I think she's hungry," he says.
"Yep," you agree. "You should probably make her a bottle."
"Me? What about you?" he exclaims.
"I," you announce, glancing at the feast laid out on the table, "am hungry and  my breakfast to eat."
He groans. "You're lucky I love you."
You laugh. "Love you too babe," and peck his lips before he trudges off to make your daughter a bottle

Hometown Preferences and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora