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Hi! I told you I would put something on here when the sequel was published and so here I am! :)

The first two chapters are up at the moment on my page (I apologise for the rubbish cover) and I have eight chapters written as I have been doing this for NaNoWriMo and have kept up. My word count for this story is way over 20K which is massive for me!

So yeah, I just thought I would let you know about it. I always feel guilty when I write chapters without uploading them but I just want to steady uploading them so that I am not uploading one chapter every two weeks or whatever. I do have a laptop before so that does seriously help! :D

Here is the link, but I am unsure if it works: 

If it doesn't, it is also in the external link! I hope you enjoy it as I have really enjoyed writing the sequel so far! :)

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