Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

   Slamming his hand down on the desk, his steely gaze kept everyone facing him. Nobody dared look away. He was furious and he wanted revenge for what the demons and goblins had done to his family.

   Sat in the small hut around the rectangle shaped table, Dimitri Kanatova stood at the end as his family sat on one side and other people the family trusted sat on the other. They all had worried, weary looks on their faces but Dimitri was proving to be a good leader.

   “I am going to kill every single one of the little sneaks!” He ranted before taking a quick glance into the other room where his dead brother Grigoriy laid, his eyes shut. If it was not for the slit across his neck it would almost look like he was asleep but Dimitri knew better and knew that he wasn’t.

   His mother was barely keeping it together and his other siblings were distraught, as they had a right to be. You would have thought Dimitri was the eldest with the way he was dealing with this but he was the youngest of five children and his next sibling, Agnessa was seven years his senior.

   Dimitri was also the only child to inherit the sorcerer’s powers off of his father. He only wished that Grigoriy had inherited them also. He would not be dead right now and this battle would not be continuing.

   One of the goblins had snitched them out to the demons. They did not know which one of the siblings had magic and therefore did not attack them as with one wave of his wand, a demon, well a young demon, would be dead but some goblins confirmed that it was Dimitri with the wand and they went after his family.

   Dimitri was helping out his older brother Brokova when they went after Grigoriy and he failed to get there in time. He blamed himself for his brother’s death, which occurred two days ago but he kept that a secret, he did not want everyone trying to convince himself he was wrong when their words would be empty to him.

   “It was only two of them!” Clarissa, Dimitri’s friend defended them. “Just kill them!”

      Dimitri stared her down with his dark green eyes. He was already furious; hearing his friend defending them was not something he wanted to hear. “What? And give them a chance to snitch on us more!” He yelled.

   “Don’t shout at her!” Rolchov shouted. “I know you are upset,” his eyes darting to Dimitri’s family, “but taking it out on her is not the right way to go about this.”

   He punched the table in fury; the table shot up in the air and crashed back down almost snapping in half, his sister Katia let out a short scream in shock and everyone else looked alarmed. The last thing they needed was to be separated when there were not a lot of them to begin with. “You do know she doesn’t bat for your team right?” He spat sarcastically before storming out of the room.

   He couldn’t control his anger, his feet were stomping and his hands were clenched in fists. He needed to hit something to get his anger out and fast before he hit somebody. He was trying his best to keep them all safe and they were just disagreeing with everything he said! First it was his suggestion about just he and the sorcerer’s going out to battle and now this! What more could he do?

   His father was the best sorcerer that had ever lived. He could create anything and he could kill any creature he wanted, not that he did. His father used to be a kind man, before Dimitri knew him.

   Being sent to Anceps with his family in S80, his dad became resentful and started plotting against escaping and planned to take down the Royal family, especially King Brokova but after living in Anceps for twenty years your magic disappears and Nikolai’s did.

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