Nightmares - OliRin

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"Her mother in front of her and her brother, taking the brunt of the blow. Flash. Her brother curling around her protectively. Flash. Coming home from a club to see her brother with another bandage around his hands. Flash. That lamp hitting her mother's head..."

She wakes up sweating, tears spilling out of her eyes uncontrollably. Her breathing comes in ragged sobs, sobs that shake her entire body. She curls up, looking across the room shared with her brother. Should she wake him up? He went through it with her... He would help.


He would not help. Never. He went through much worse, but he didn't see their mother die in front of him...

She flops down into the bed, her fingers searching and finding the ragged sailor teddy bear, the only piece left of her mother. One of the eyes is covered by fluffy white fur, the other poking out just enough. Patches of fur are missing from its legs, showing how well loved it is. She hugs it tight, sobbing into it. 

The bed isn't comfortable anymore. She yearns to get out; she has to. She kicks off the covers, but not all of them; the sheet tangles around her feet and she trips, falling, falling, falling, impact.

Her cheek stings with impact. Her bones reverberate; her heartbeat pounds. Did she wake him up? 

She looks at her brother. No. He is asleep, still. He snores loudly, somewhat like a cough. She breathes a sigh of relief. 

Now what?

She sits up, clutching the bear to her chest. Who could she go to? Or should she go to sleep? She looks at the bed; it is uninviting. She shakes her head and stands, wiping sweat off her forehead.

Who could she go to?

He will not be asleep. He doesn't go to sleep until late, if at all, and still manages to function throughout the day. She could go to him. 

The darkness is more acute in the hallway than in her room; it is cooler. She shivers, tiptoeing to the staircase. Past Miku's room. Past Meiko's. The stairwell. One hand is still holding the teddy bear; she searches for the railing with the other. She finds it. Tentatively, hesitantly, she places one food on the step up.

Just one floor...

It is darker, cooler on the stairs. There is no carpet. Her feet touch bare wood; she shivers. 

Just one floor...

She keeps climbing; her eyes have not adjusted.

The staircase stops; she is here. She sighs in relief. Now to find his room. Two in. Past Yuki's; past Miki's abandoned room; there. The door is cracked; she pushes it open; she says his name. 

He turns around, startled; he smiles; he stands up. He walks across the room; says her name. What's wrong, he asks. 

Nightmares, she says; grabs his hand; doesn't let go.

He leads her into the room; sets her on the bed. Same ones, he asks; she nods; he sighs; hugs her. Calm down, he says. I'm here. You won't get hurt.

Not anymore, she asks.

Not now, or ever, or ever, he says.

She looks at the computer adjacent to the bed; one a.m. She should be asleep; she doesn't want to go back to her room without him by her side; she doesn't want him to go back to his room alone. She has only one choice.

Can I stay here, she asks. I can't go back to my room.

Of course, he says. You can sleep in my bed. God knows I won't use it.

Thank you, she says; hugs him; hugs the bear.

What are you holding, he asks.

A bear, she says.

I didn't know you had one, he says.

I do, she says. The last piece of my mom; she trails off.

Can I see, he asks; reaches for it.

Sure, she says; hands it to him.

It looks like me, he says; laughs. All it needs are some bandages.

Yeah, she says. Can I have it back now?

Yup, he says; hands it back. Night.

Night, she says, curls up on the bed. 

He laughs. Remember, he asks; tucks her in.

Remember what, she asks.

When you did this exact thing to me, he says.

Yeah, she says; smiles.

You ended it with a kiss.


Didn't you.


Good night.

Good night.

I love you, Rin, he says; kisses her forehead.

Me too, she says; smiles.

No matter what he says, Rin wakes up the next morning with Oliver lying next to her.

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