Stars - Liko

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"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked, staring out onto the roof of the apartment building. The wind was blowing, messing my normally messy blonde hair up even more. "I mean, we're six stories up..."

"Which is why I brought these," Piko said, holding up the paracords. "These things are long enough to stretch across the building and keep us in place throughout the night."

I shrugged and walked out onto the flat, gray roof. Piko smiled. "See? Now you're doing it!"

I love it when he smiles.

I kneeled down and started rolling out my sleeping bag. Piko had already rolled his out and was fastening the paracords. I shivered a little. "It's really cold, Piko... we should go back in."

"Nervous, huh?" Piko replied, smiling. "You could move your sleeping bag closer to mine, you know."

I blushed and looked away. 

"Aw, Lenny's blushing!"

"Rin!" I said, turning around. "What the hell are you doing up here!?"

"I wanted to find you, obviously." She smiled in her mischievous way. "I want to know what my little brother's doing up here!"

"By two minutes," I muttered. 

"Hi, Rin-san!" Piko called, waving. Rin waved back.

"So, what are you two doing?" she asked. 

"Piko invited me up here tonight," I said. 


I wanted to slap her. But I didn't.

Piko walked over and smiled. "I come up here a lot at night."

"To stargaze?" Rin asked. The four of us (Rin, Oliver, Piko, and I) all knew pretty much everything about each other. We all knew that Piko loved the stars.


"Ah." Rin paused. "To see if the stars have aligned?"

Piko laughed. I didn't. 

"Well, I gotta go," Rin said, turning. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Apparently I'm being asked for dating advice? And we all know how great it first went with me and Oliver," she said, with a pointed glance at me. 

"Don't mess up," I said. "And sorry."

"It's alright." Rin went back into the apartment. 

Piko went back to anchoring the sleeping bags. I waited a full minute before going back out and moving my sleeping bag against his. He smiled. "We only need the two paracords then," he said.

"Isn't it going to compress us?" I asked.

"It's a bit longer than we need," Piko explained, lifting up one of them a full 5 centimeters before it went taut. "Therefore there's space. Unless, you're fat." He grabbed my stomach, laughing. I sucked it in, blushing.

"You blush really easily," he remarked. 

"Shut up," I said.

"No wonder! You're tsundere!"

"Shut UP."

He laughed. "I'm not complaining. You're really cute when you blush."

"Shut UP!" I said, blushing even darker. 

He laughed again. "Tsuuuundere," he teased, turning back to the sleeping bags. 

I rubbed my cheeks and sighed. 

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