Eevees - IA x Yukari - Request

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She wanted an Eevee so badly. 

And every single one she found ran away from her. 

Yukari groaned and pushed away from her computer desk, her spinny chair rolling. She planted the back of her hand on her forehead dramatically. "They closed Pokevision! Noooo!"

"...Shouldn't you be doing homework?" Ia, her best friend (and crush, shh...), said. She glanced up from the sheet of math on her desk.

"But P-Go is more fun," Yukari whined, wheeling her way back to her desk.

"Yes, but you won't be able to play P-Go if your mom takes your phone away," Ia replied matter-of-factly.

"Shush, I get it." Yukari was already pulling out her binder and leafing through the mess to find the Japanese assignment. 

Ia sighed, smiling and shaking her head. "Can you find the homework?"

"Yes!" Yukari pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper and smoothed it out on her desk. She pulled a slightly chewed pencil out of the nearly empty stationary holder on her desk. "Gimme five minutes."

"Right." Ia hummed and turned her attention back to the math she was focusing on. 

Yukari stuck her tongue out at her friend and tried not to glance at her phone when it vibrated several times in a row, signaling a Pokemon. 

About an hour later, due to Yukari drifting off task to glance at her phone almost every ten seconds, Yukari shoved the pages of her homework (which was now crumpled even more) into her binder and pushed herself out of her seat, not tripping. "Woo! Finished!" she exclaimed, picking up her phone and checking her messages.

Ia laughed. "So now what should we do?"

"We should go on a Poke-hunt!" Yukari said, grinning. She turned on the familiar app. "I feel certain my luck in catching an Eevee is going to be good today!" 

"Like you said yesterday, and the day before, and the day before..." Ia joked. 

"Shoosh!" Yukari booped her friend's nose. Ia grinned and swept up her phone. 

"Let's go, then!" she said. Yukari nodded and bounced out of the room, out of her family's apartment, and down several flights of stairs. Ia smirked and chased after her, sprinting. 

Surprisingly, neither of them tripped. 

"All right!" Yukari yelled once the dynamic duo were out of the lobby of the building. "Now to find the prophesized Eevee!"

"Show... Me... The... Prophecy..." Ia panted, laughing. 

Yukari pulled out a pen and wrote on the back of her hand, Yukari will find and capture an Eevee today. Ia rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out. "Maybe you will, if there was one in the area." She showed the tracker to Yukari.

Three Pidgeys, a Weedle, two Caterpies, and a Ghastly. The other two hadn't been found yet. 

Yukari made a face. "Well, let's go..."She spun in a circle and picked a random direction. "This way!" 

"There's an Eevee that way?"

"Def-i-nite-ly!" Yukari enunciated each syllable. "Come on!"

Ia shrugged and followed the spunky girl. Yukari was humming what sounded like the Pokemon theme. She kept glancing at her screen. Suddenly, she stopped short.

"What? What is it?" Ia asked, glancing down at her own screen. 

An Eevee was in the area.

Yukari grinned and walked in one direction, then turned around and walked another. Ia went to right and watched as the Eevee appeared on her radar. She paused, watching as Yukari struggled to locate where the Eevee was, before calling out to her, "Hey! Over here!" 

Yukari jerked her head up, her two pigtails whipping her cheeks. "Oh! Right! I knew that!" 

Ia smiled. "Goof," she said, catching the CP 256 Eevee on her third Pokeball. 

Yukari was swiping madly, trying desperately to catch the poor thing. Twenty five wasted Pokeballs, one Razzberry, and three Great balls later, she deflated, staring at her screen. 

"Did you catch it?" Ia asked, certain she already knew.

Yukari shook her head. "It got away..."


Yukari moped over to the edge of the nearby fountain and sat down on it, staring at her phone's screen. "And I was so sure of it and everything!"

"Hey..." Ia walked over to the purple-haired girl and plopped down next to her. "I got it though..."

"Eevees don't like me. I feel hurt." Yukari glanced over at Ia. "Hug me."

Ia patted her friend's back. Suddenly, she had an amazing idea. 

Yukari stared at phone and went into her Pokemon, staring at the Pidgeys, Rattatas, Drowzees, the Pikachu, et cetera. "I got like everything else. Why not an Eevee? I just want a Vaporeon..."

"You don't have everything else... You'll find one that likes you eventually..." Ia said, biting her lip to not smile. "Actually..."

 "What?" Yukari asked. She probably wasn't going to cry over this. 

"I think that the one I caught likes you." Ia showed her screen to Yukari. 

The Eevee had been named "Yukari-chan". Yukari looked at it before taking the phone from Ia. She grinned. "Hey..." 

Ia smiled. "Well?"

Yukari tapped the screen, making "Yukari-chan" make its little chirrup. She laughed. "Aw... Thanks, Ia."

Ia nodded. "I wish you could trade them."

"You mean you want to give this one to me?" Yukari asked.

"Well, duh. Guess I just gotta wait for that to be added, hm?" 

"Yeah..." Yukari tapped the Eevee on screen one more time before handing Ia back her phone. "Thanks again, Ia." She hugged her friend. "You're the best."

"Okay, okay," Ia said, grinning. She wrapped an arm around Yukari before pushing the other girl off. "What to do now?"

"Find more Pokemon!" Yukari announced, standing up and brandishing her phone like a sword.

Ia almost fell in the fountain laughing.

((Here's one of the requests! For @Chainsaw_Yukari

Hope you enjoy!))

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