All Because of a Guy - Miku x Luka - Request

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Is it true? Have they broken up?

This could be my chance. 

I walk down the halls of the campus, heading towards my dorm. I can't believe this! They really did break up! 

My step is almost giddy. I grin defiantly. I can't wait to ask him out in front of her.

My roommate. My former best friend.


I push open the dorm room door, unable to wipe the smirk plastered across my face off. 

Then I notice something odd.

For one, the radio on her side of the room is turned off. 

For another, she's face down on her bunk, clutching a pillow tight to her chest, sobbing. 

I pause. This wouldn't be a good time to gloat. Miku was once my friend, my best friend. And we stopped being friends because of the guy. Maybe I should forget about him and try to be her friend again. But he's so cute. 

Is he really?

"Hey, Miku?" I ask, hesitation obvious. "Are you okay?"

The other girl sniffs in response. I raise an eyebrow. "Miku?"

She mumbles something into the pillow. 


"What do you want?" she says, sitting up and glaring at me. Her face is red and tear streaked. It's pretty creepy. 

"Are you okay?" I try again. 

"No. But what does it matter to you? You stopped caring a while ago." She faceplants into the pillow again. 


She's right. I did stop caring after she fell in love with him too. But I don't want to not care anymore, right? What do I want?" 

"I just want to help..." I mumble, my mouth going dry.

"Why? So you can take him? He's yours! No need to ask for permission!" She's yelling, I can hear her loud and clear through the pillow. "Just leave me alone."


"Fuck off!" she yells, loud enough for the entire dormitory to hear. Nervous, I back away, leaving the room. 

My stomach hurts now. 

Unable to think straight, I wander into the cafeteria and snag a seat in the back. I don't feel hungry. I feel nauseous. But I know that someone will be here.

"Hey, Luka," Gumi says, cracking her bubble gum between her teeth. "Wassup?"

I shrug. 

"You look sick, somethin' wrong?" The tomboy sits across from me, concerned.


"Ah." She blows a bubble and it pops. "Concerning the guy?"

"And Miku."

This makes her slow down. "What?"

"Well... You heard-"

"Yeah, yeah, it's the talk of the campus. They broke up. Word is it was pretty messy." She nods with her words, resting her chin on the back of her hand.

"Seems like it."

"She still your roommate?" Gumi questions, tilting her head like a confused puppy. Her knuckles rest on the edge of her cheek. 



"But enough about the breakup."

"Yeah, you said you were in love with Miku?" she prompts. 

"I didn't-!" I exclaim, stopping short.

"Pretty much 'emotions' means love, dude." She nods matter-of-factly. 

"That isn't what I meant though!" I say.

"Well, it's what it sounded like," Gumi replies.

I deflate, giving her a look like, Really? It fades from my face suddenly, as well as my shoulders going back up. Gumi cocks an eyebrow, waving a finger at my sudden shift in posture. "Hm?"

"...I am..." I whisper.

"That was anticlimactic. What?"

"I am!" I say louder, my eyes widening involuntarily. "And... And I never liked the guy!"

"Luka, hun, you're confusing me. What?" 

"I do love Miku... How did I not know this?" Part of me is bewildered by my sudden realization, and the other part of me is wondering how I didn't know. 

"The heart works in mysterious ways," Gumi replies. She looks over at the door. "Oh, crap, gotta go." She gets up and leaves me alone with my thoughts. I make a strange squeaking noise and shake my head. 

But she hates me now. She would never love me. Hell, she won't even like me again. I shake my head some more. But she was once my best friend. Surely that will help...

First step. Become friends again. 

I push myself away from the tiny table in the back and start walking back to my dorm, hoping that she'll give me a chance. My stride is determined. I look confident, the only thing shaking that image is the fact that I'm whispering under my breath, "Please, God, please..." 

I open the door to the dorm again. "Just me," I say, my voice not as sharp as it usually was when talking to her.

I peek over to her side. 

She seems to have calmed down and cleaned her face, the tear streaks gone from her face. Around her eyes is still red. I take a deep breath and approach my bed. "Can I... talk to you for a second?" I ask, sitting down. 

"About what?" she hisses, still upset at me.

"W-well.... First an... apology," I begin, "...for... being such a bitch."

Miku looks at me. "What do you mean?" 

"The past six months. We've been bitter enemies. Because of a guy. Which is the stupidest reason ever." I nod. 

"You liked him as well. We were fighting. Why haven't you made a move on him yet?" She looks at me.

"Because... I don't want him anymore." 

She pauses. "What?"

"I don't. You heard me right. So..."

She stands up. "Hang on. You don't want him anymore?"

I shake my head. 

"Well... then... That's..." Miku runs a hand through her hair and exhales. "I feel so stupid now."

"Shyeah, I know." I smile weakly. "You and me both."

Miku paces back and forth. "I can't believe this."

Next step: Friends?

"So... Can we be friends...?" I try.

She whirls at me. "You know what we said to each other. You know what we did. You think..."

"...I'm guessing no...?" 

Miku plops down in her bed. "Wow... Wow..."

"Give it time..." I suggest.

"Yeah, give it time. A lot. Of. Time." She punctuates each word. "But...."

I curl up in my bed. 

So far, so good?

Maybe we'll be friends again. 

Maybe even more.

But for now, we're just colleagues. 

Let's hope...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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