3| Scars.

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Laken's p.o.v
I woke up in my bed. All of my bags from when i went shopping were on the floor and i had a massive headache. I got up and opened the door to a completely quiet house. I walked down the stairs holding my head because it still hurt, but found an empty house. I went to the freezer to get an ice pack for my head and found out why it was so quiet. It was 3:47 a.m. Holy shit. Instead of going back upstairs i went in the living room and turned on Amazing world of Gumball, because flame. I was going back upstairs to my room as i bumped into Nash. Yeah, it was kind of awkward because it seems like he's been mad at me for almost a whole day, but i shook it off like it was nothing and continued up to my room.
It was now 5:31am and ever since i came back upstairs from the "incident" with Nash, i haven't been able to sleep.
Nash's p.o.v
It was now 5:33am and ever since i came back upstairs from the "incident" with Laken, i haven't been able to sleep.
She makes me feel so special, but at the same time she makes me feel like absolute nothing.
I walked over to the bathroom. It was now 5:38am. I sat on the counter, and pulled out a box i haven't touched in over 2 years. I took out something i feared the most. I played with the blade in my hands, debating on whether i should drag it across my skin or not. I bursted into tears, realizing i deserve it. I was on my third cut, my salty tears dripping from my eyes, to my cuts, making them sting. I glanced up to see Cameron in the doorway, tears forming on the waterline of his eyes. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He ran over to me, and smacked the blade out of my hands. I was frustrated with him at the moment. "WHAT DID YOU DO?! THAT WAS ALL I HAD LEFT!" Then he yelled for Laken. Oh, how I hated him so much right now.
Laken's p.o.v
I heard Cameron calling for me. What? It's 6:00 in the morning. I walked towards the yelling i heard repeatedly and saw Cameron on the floor in tears and Nash with his head against the wall bawling his eyes out. I had a blank expression on my face. I looked down at Nash's left arm to see slits with blood gushing out of them. I ran over to him and took his arm showing him his forearm. "If you're in pain Nash, why cause yourself even more pain." I said, not seeing that Nash was ever like this around the small amount of time we've been around each other. "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT CAUSED ME THIS PAIN LAKEN! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I spoke back almost too soon, "THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOULD CUT YOURSELF, WHAT THE HELL?!" My faith, my humanity, my hope, i still had all for Nash and I to still actually have a relationship, suddenly vanished. I was just standing there, in the middle of a bathroom with 2 boys. One that was repeatedly yelling at me to call an ambulance for Nash, and the other one, loosing more and more blood from his arm. As i just, sat there. I was zoned out. Daydreaming you may call it. I just wasn't there with those 2 boys mentally, not being able to comprehend what they were doing or even saying. I stepped out of the room dialing '911' on my phone.
Emergency operator: 911, whats your emergency?
Me: Uhm, yes, there's a boy who's loosing blood, a little too quickly, we need an ambulance, ASAP.
Emergency Operator: it's on its way, ma'am. Whats this boys name?
Me: Nash Grier.
And then I blanked out. Calling ambulance for a boy who i just met a few days ago, that i can almost say I love, for is unreal. But how do I still have feelings for him after what he said in the bathroom? He made it clear he doesn't share the same feelings I do.
I walked back into the bathroom. "It's on it's way." I said while walking out the bathroom to God knows where. "Wait, Laken." I turned to see Nash with pleaded eyes. "Stay." Does he not remember what just happened 10 minutes ago? "Why Stay?" I asked confused on whether if i should or not. "I need you. Here. With me." As he said that, i agreed to stay, and decided that I'll talk to him about it later. The stretcher came in to the bathroom, as they bandaged his cuts on his left arm and strolled him out of the bathroom. Me being on the right side of course, he held his hand out for me to grab and go with him in the ambulance.
Once we got into the ambulance he spoke. "What I said in the bathroom, about you causing me pain, is true. And before you lash out on me, I have to tell you why," i was frozen, but still listening to his words. ",You make me feel weak, like i can just melt and then it'll all be over. I have feelings there for you, Laken, it's just that you're Cameron's, and I can't have you. That's what made me cut, that's what's been causing me pain." I felt so bad, I was making him feel this way. I made him cut. I was doing this to a kid I literally just met a few days ago and i already have this terrible effect on him.
"Nash, I'm not Cameron's, we both told you that." I said, hoping he would finally understand it this time. "Don't lie to me, Laken. I don't need more pai-" "I'm not lying!" I said, yelling at him.
He looked at me and then then looked away. He scrunched up his nose and sniffled. Not crying, just sniffling. "Nash, I'm didn't mean to yell at you." I said really meaning it. "It's fine." He said still not looking at me. I was getting upset, knowing I was making him upset. "Nash, please look at me." I said softly enough to where you could almost find it comforting. He looked at me once I finished completing the sentence. "What?" He shouted fairly loud making me flinch. "Why are-" Before I finished that sentence, the ambulance made a loud noise and began tumbling down what im guessing is a hill. I fell backwards hitting my head and banging my knee. I was in pain, but I was too worried about my secret lover's life at the moment. "Nash! Hang on to something!" He didn't reply, frightening me.
Hey guys, its mia!! Hope you liked the cliff hanger 😊❤️ wellllll this chapter's credit goes to @yokianandjc 💗💗 i hope you guys like it and vote!! Love you ;)

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