4| trigger

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Laken's p.o.v
     I awoke in the back of the ambulance, trying to comprehend what just happened. Then remembering about Nash i quickly jumped up and noticed the ambulance was spewing with water. "Nash! Nash!" i kept calling. "did he leave me? all alone?" "where could he have went?" all of these thoughts were filling my mind. But he didn't leave. Looking down, i saw he was under the water.. not breathing.
     Tears filled my eyes as i ran to him and pulled him back over the surface of the water. "N-Nash" i stuttered trying to wake him. but nothing was working. i laid him on the bench, where the water hasn't reached yet and tried to open the back doors. they must've been hit because they wouldn't open. i grabbed anything i could find to try and open it but it wouldn't budge. i sat in the corner hysterically crying because there was no way out.
     "Laken?" i heard the voice i love most say. my face lit up because he took all of his energy to say my name. "yes?" i sniffled. "what happened" he sounded worried, he got up and fell to the floor because of his injuries. I sprinted up to catch him but i failed and he landed on his back. Quickly i sat next to him and i put his head on my lap. "why are you crying?" trying to get up again he failed. "were not getting out of here, Nash." "w-what do you -" i heard the door unlatch like it was being opened. the figure standing in the door way wasn't a clear one. then his voice. "i told you i'd find you."
     "hunter" I whispered. it all made sense now. why the ambulance crashed. "ready to finish what we started." those words played over in my head again and again. "fuck off" the words just came out. Nash was standing up by now. i got up and grabbed whatever i could find. which was a needle with some liquid thing in it. i put it behind my back incase he tried to touch me or Nash. i wasn't going to let anything happen to him. he started walking closer to us and pulled out something from behind his back. The gun was pointed to Nash's head, he was so helpless. "NOOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs and swung my arm (with the needle in it) and stabbed the needle injecting what ever was in it in his neck. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he started getting dizzy. i guess thats what it does. As he was falling he pulled the trigger. It didn't hit me so that could only leave one other person.. Nash.
      I turned to Nash making sure that Hunter was still on the floor. As sure as anything, he was gushing blood from his stomach. I honestly froze and didn't know what to do. Was the person that i can actually say i love going to die before my eyes? i snapped back to reality realizing tears would not stop forming in my eyes. I put my hand on the gunshot wound trying to stop the blood rush. it wouldn't stop. It was like one of those sad movies you wouldn't expect to ever happen in real life. but this wasn't a movie. i took my phone from my back pocket whipping the the blood that was on my hands onto my sweater. i dialed 911.
     "Nash please stay with me" sniffling through every word i say. "their coming to help, please. please don't leave me" i laid my head on his chest. "i-i love you Nash" hysterically crying from the pain. not physical pain, but the pain that will always stick with me. The one i can say I'm in love with, is dying before my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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