Chapter 32

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I don't know how long I've been up here, maybe an hour. The party carried on after that scene, I hear the music blasting through the house and people laughing.

Tammy came up awhile ago and tried to get me to come dowstairs, but I wasn't ready.

"I'm so sorry Tammy" I apologized.

"For what?" She asked, sitting next to me and rubbing my back.

"Ruining your birthday, today was meant to be for you and yet that all happened. I'm sorry"

"Don't apologise Sam, it's okay. Aaron is an asshole. Forget about him. He isn't worth your tears." She wipes away one of my tears, smiling gently at me. "Let's go back down stairs and get smashed. Sounds like fun right?"

I giggle at it, it does sound like fun, but not right now. "I'll come down just now Tams, I just need a little more time up here. Fix my make-up and put myself back together." I smile at her. I want her to have fun, and she will.

"Okay" she gets up and straightens her clothes.


"Yeah?" She looks at me.

"Is Ayden here?" Her expression faulters, and I know he isn't.

"No he called me earlier saying he couldn't make it."

"Okay thanks. I'll see you just now then" I give her a weak smile before she leaves the room.

That was about half an hour ago. I've stopped shedding tears, but I can't stop replaying the events in my head. Especially. "I slept with Mia, I cheated on you". It keeps running through my mind like a broken record.

"Knock knock" I look up and see Devon entering the room. "Hey cupcake" he smiles and comes to sit infront of me.

"Hey" I say back, I can't even look at him, one, I look like shit and he will probably say something nasty and two, he was right and I was mad because he was right.

"How you doing?" He puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him. I snap my head to the side to look away.

"Don't do that Dev, I look like shit"

"No you don't, you still look beautiful to me." He does it again, and this time I look at him. I see genuine concern in his eyes. "But you could redo your makeup" he fakes a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Asshole" I fake punch his shoulder.

"What me? No way!" He rubs the 'wound' and fakes a hurt expression.

"No you aren't" I look down at my lap again, sighing heavily.

"It's okay Sam. What Aaron did wasn't right. But lets all have fun tonight. Drink a little. Dance some more" he gives me a toothy grin, god he is beautiful. "Get drunk, make fun of people. Like the old days" he pinches my cheek and I smile at him.


"Okay?" He raises a brow at me.

"Yes okay" I laugh, quickly lunging myself at him and hugging him tightly. He doesn't hesitate to hug me back. "Thank you Dev, for being here".

We sit like this for awhile, just hugging. It feels nice to be in his arms again, but the moment passes and we let go. I get up and tell him I just want to use the bathroom. A few minutes later I return and we head down stairs.

Only a few people stare at me once I'm downstairs. Others don't care or are too drunk to give a damn. Devon takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. There I spot Tammy and Josh making out. Nice..

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