Chapter 18

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"Sam please go set the table, Aaron should be here shortly".

My mom has gone all out for this dinner, I'm not entirely sure why. Also I can't guess who is more nervous, her or Aaron. The whole day today, Aaron and I texted. He kept telling me how worried he was that he wouldn't make a good enough impression on my mom seeming as he hasn't done this in awhile. While my mom isn't sure what food he likes, so she decided to make a lot of different food. Between the two of them, they are stressing more than any human being should for one supper.

"All done" I shout from the dining table as I place the last fork on the table.

"Good, please can you take the potatoes out of the oven for me then."

"Okay". I reach the kitchen just as the door bell rings. "I'll get it!" I shout, running to the door.

"Hey" I smile at the most handsome face I've seen all day once I've opened the door. Aaron is wearing a black long sleeve v-neck and a pair of dark blue jeans. His hair is styled nicely and he of course has that charming smile on his face.

"Hey beautiful" he leans in and gives me a hug, kissing my cheek in the process.

"Come on in, you need to meet my mother" I hold his hand while I lead him to the kitchen.

"Mom, this is Aaron". My mom is quick to turn around, flattening her apron. "Aaron my mom."

"Nice to meet you Ms Reed." He remembered. He releases my hand to shake my moms.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Aaron" she takes his hand and shakes it. "The food will be ready shortly, please go take a seat so long, Sam show him to the table please"

"Okay, this way" I smile up at him before walking out of the kitchen. "You sit here, and I sit there" I point to the chairs next to eachother, "and my mom will be sitting across from us."

A few minutes after sitting down my mom walks into the room carrying various dishes. She makes at least three trips into the kitchen before finally coming to sit down with us.

"The food looks good mom" I smile up at her.

"Thank you sweety, now dig in."

Lets just say Aaron wasn't very shy when it came to helping himself, while he didn't eat a whole lot of food like a cave man would, he did try bits of everything.

"This is really delicious ma'am"

"Thank you Aaron" she smiles sweetly at him, "So tell me, how did you two meet?"

Aaron looks at me for a few seconds before beginning the story. The whole time he talks, his one hand rests on my thigh, his thumb grazing it occasionally. He leaves out the bit about the kiss at the end of the movie. Telling her we saw eachother at school again. Actually he left out all the kissing bits, I'm sure my mom wouldn't want to hear it anyway.

For the rest of dinner, Aaron and my mom talk about non important things, laughing at jokes and what not. She threatens to bring out baby photos, but I glare her into submission. Please woman, I've just started dating him, I don't want to scare him off.

"If I may ask Aaron, how many girlfriends have u had before Sam?"

He looks down at his empty plate before saying anything. Hooking up with girls all the time doesn't count as girlfriends so it's probably none.

"Two" Oh?

"Oh that's lovely, it's nice to know you aren't one of those boys that just jump from one girl to the next. It's quite disgusting how gross men can do that."

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