to Clear my head

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Troye is 16 and gets bullied at school for being skinny and he is closeted. his parents are going through a divorce whitch is affecting his school life. he comes to this big old oak tree to clear his head and "do his homework" witch is just his excuse to stay away from his parents.

Tyler  is 16 and is the most popular boy in school he is openly gay and has a loving supporting mother, but he dosnt like being the person everyone wants to be he just wants to be invisible he wants to get away take a brake that's why he comes to a big old oak tree he discovered when he first came out.


I woke up to my alarm blaring and the faint sound of my parents arguing downstairs. Groaning I slipped out of bed and into the bathroom for a hot shower.
fixing my wild curls trying to make them look at least presentable i was already running late. I threw my backpack over my sholder and walked down the stairs and strait past my parents, my shoulder coliding with my fathers and ignoring my mother as I slammed the door behind me and starting down the road towards hell.

First and secons period went by quickly lunch and fourth period were unaventfull . I walked out of 5th and was on my way to my locker after most of the students were off to their next class ,mine being drama, gathering books from my locker as the sound of laughter and pubcent teens sucking face file the halls a particular persons laughter finding my ears as I closed my locker and turned to find the exact person I was hoping to avoid.
"Hey my little troye toy" he said with a sly smirk, his friends laughing in the background pushing some poor kid into a locker and empting his bag on the floor.
"W-What do you want Alex? " I stuttered cowering back against the wall of lockers.

Alex has had it out for me since my first day at Westbrook high. he is your topical vacity jock tall, great hair, nice looks , amazing body. And I know what your thinking stereotypical bully well that is exacly right only he didn't exacly bully me it is more of... Let's say harassment. He asked me to be his boyfriend and or do some crude things with him and I so politely declined. And that was the first time he has asked me everyday for the past year and a half, saying vulger and inapropriot things i learnt to ignor it until a few months ago his patience wore thin and he started pushing my small frame into walls doors and any surface. He would kiss me without permission and grope me inapropriatly . He was a repeat offender.

" I just want a kiss from my baby". He leaned In and I turned my head his lips coliding with my cheek instead of my lips.

" I told you to leave me alone, I'm not your baby!" I snapped pushing him away but it was no use he was as solid as a brick wall and I was weak. He turned his head to his friends telling them that he would catch up.

" awwww don't be like that." His eyes pericing into mine as he pressed the length of his body against mine. Placing his lips by my ear.
" why don't you come over my house after school?"he whispered sending a shivers own my back . Tensing when I felt his lips press just below my ear as he trailed down my neck. Squeezing my eyes shut as I tryed to push him off.
"S-stop Alex. I told you I'm not interested now g-get off!" I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I punched at his chest and tryed to push him away.
" come on... You know you want it!!!" He stated and licked my neck biting down on my collerbone.
" s-stop... G-get off o-of me. P-Please.." I whimpered tears now falling freely to my cheeks.
" stop crying. God. Your such a baby. Look troye you better shut up or else."
He threatened through gritted teeth pushing me harder against the wall.

" now give me a kiss and you can go to class! And make it a good one." He leaned in againg this time holding my chin in a brushing grip so I couldn't turn my head, pressing his lip to mine and shoving his toung in my mouth, I squeezed my eyes shut once again kissing him back. His hand sliding to grab at my bum.When he broke it off he let go of my jaw and looked me dead in the eye. "Good boy toy. Now go to class you'll be late."

I ran down the hall as soon as I was free of his grip whipping my face of any evidence if been crying before enteringthe theater room.
I gave my teacher an excuse as I took my seat next to zoe and hung my head.
" hey, are you alright?" Zoe's sweet concurning voice questioned .

"I.. Uh.. Y-yeah I'm fine." I pulled out my book and a pen and begun writing what MR. Chapmen was writing on the board about Shakespeare.

After soon as last period bell rang I was out of the door speed walking down the hall to my locker dumping my books and out the frount door befor any other student, I .was. Not. Going to bump into Alex agin iv had enough of that for ten life times.

I need to get away. From home, from Alex, from school, from the little friends I had and from myself.

I passed the old bakery and creepy Mr.greogor's fishing shop, which smelt like something or rather a lot of something's had died . I turned the corner and jogged across the old burnt down saw mill court yard and there it was the old oak tree.

I fasted my backpack and climbed the old limbes till I got to a platform I had built last year which wasn't noticeable from the ground, you pulls only find it if you climbed right to the top.
I lay back and look up at the sky , clear with one or two clouds hear and their, it was such a nice day warm ,the suns rays hitting my body but not my face because their was a perfectly shady branch to block it from my eyes.
Closing my eyes and clearing my head I drifted into a light sleep.

Ok cool so that's a very terrably writen first chapter yayyyy...
Anyway vote comment follow me whatever y'all wanna do xx thanks so much for reading, I'm really excited for the next chapter!!!!!!

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