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I opened my eyes to a crash of what sounded like wood to concrete, looking around desperately, relaxing slightly as I relised were I was. I had fallen asleep after closing my eyes checking my phone for the time .4:25pm i had only been asleep for about 30 min school finnished at 3:45 . I herd another sound, I think it wa comming from the building that the tree grew beside, maby I should check it out just in case Alex followed me here. I climbed a few branches higher to were the trees branch was closest to a window, peering inside to find nothing on the second floor, climbing higher I saw a figure trough one of the windows. Balancing on one of the branches to get a better look, I could only see the back of a boy, I couldn't see his face only that he was reading something. I watched him as he sighed placing the blue book into his bag befor making his way over to the opposite window and most likely going down the fire excape. Once I was sure he was gone I climbed through the window and tip toed to were he had been standing, I paused looking at the footprints left in the ash like feet to sand. Making my way over to the window he jumped out of, watching him jog accros the court yard and to the parking lot out of site. Who was he?what was he doing here? I found myself questioning the boys motives, surly there wasn't anything interesting in here besides ash, wood and brick. I shook my head of all thourghts of the misterious boy heading back to the tree but stopping when I kicked something buried in ash and brick dust. I looked down. A book, a worn blue hard cover, half burnt and covered in charcole and grey ash.
Dusting the cover and blowing away some excess dust i found a gold embossed title ' 1862' i fliped the book to look at the back to find no blurb. Opening to the first page to find a small note writen in the corner ' to my sweet daughter may the wind guid you, I know your destined for great things.' and a drawing of a old willow tree and a small girl on a swing which was attached to the branch that hung lowest. The picture was beautiful and I don't know why but I felt that it held more meaning. I turned the pages again and again

Walking through the frount door, book in hand I noticed my family sitting at the table. The sound of the closing door alerting them that I was home.

"Troye, honey?" She smiled at me fondly.

" yeah mum?" I raised an eybrow, quietly questioning as to why everyone was sitting at the table. Together. All in the same room. Both my parents.

" come sit down sweet boy, you father and I have something to tell you". I took a seat beside my sister,sage befor looking at both parents. Slumping back in my chair. why do they look so happy? Why are they siting together, usualy their on eather side of the room.

"You mother and I have been talking and we have decide it best for the family if we don't get a Devorce, we talked it out and sorted our differance, were going to try to be a family again, a proper one." I felt my face scrunch up and my brows come together, they can't make up their minds, one minute their a happy couple and next mums filing for a divorce, what next? Move again, no I can't, i just started to settle down this is the longest time we've spent in one place since Australia.

" cool , I'm going to bed.!" I grumbled pushing out of my chair and storming away up the stairs, I made it half way out of the kitchen when my mum called after me.

" Troye ! Dinner is almost ready! Troye!" She raised her voice when I ignored her.

"I'm not hungry, goodnight!" I stormed up the stairs hearing my mother complain and a ' goodnight' from sage and Tyde.

I locked my bedroom door and threw my bag on my bed, heading toward my bathroom striping my shirt and chucking it aimlessly to the side befor kicked off my jeans and boxers. Turning the shower on a little to hot befor stepping under the scolding water letting the heat sting my skin and letting my mind fall into a daze.

The towel made a light thud sound as it hit the floor after I had dryed my chocolate curls. Flopping onto my bed in a large fitting shirt and some comfortable pjama bottoms, I let out a harsh sigh turning my head to the side to gain a more comfortable angle, I was exhausted but still my mind was awake.

I opened my eyes, the blue hardcover book I had found in the flour mill was poking out from my open school bag. running my fingers over the spine of the old book befor taking it in my hand and shifting onto my elbows, I opened to the first page again, taking my time to look at the detail, I fliped to the next drawing this one of a mother and her baby, the picture was so detailed that it could be mistaken for a photograph the water colour spilling off the page in one corner, there was little colour and it seemed to hold a lot of grief.
At the very bottom there was a date and what seemed to be a brief sentence.
' 16th January 1862, my mother has fallen ill, she may not make it, father says she has cancer of the lung and they can not save her.
I turned the page as the next page fell from the book and onto the mattress it was folded as to fit into the book, I gently unfolded the parchment, it was another drawing this one more dark, it had a surtain sadness and It also held a lot of fear of what I'm not sure. The drawing was abstract it was a little girl with her knees to her chest in her hand was a photo frame which had a small family the glass of the frame smashed and on the floor around her. She was in a dark contorted room with nothing else but a chair and a rope tied into a nuce the rope wasn't attached to anything just laying flat on the chair like it was waiting to be hung up or tyed to something. It was dark and it showed that maby the girl was alone but to afraid to end the lonelyness in fear of not only hurting herself but perhaps others to, like the people in the frame.
I looked down to the corner were the date and small sentance was writen in ink, a few random tear stains spreading the ink.
'Febuary 2nd 1862, with my mother sick the family is splitting at the seam, the foundations are cracking, like glass we will shatter, fathers gon mad, pacing the hall, not sleeping, "will it end?" He screams , I want it to end.'

I re folded the parchment placing it back into the book and closing it, I feel the same way this girl did, with my parents splitting the family then trying to stitch the broken seem, but the thread just isn't strong enough it keeps snapping. The rush of different emotions that I feel from this girls pictures, the different ways she exspresses them are so beautiful yet so painful, I feel as if she is trying to tell her story through her art. But who is she and what is her story. I placed the blue book in the top draw of my bedside table, insperation to use the feelings I have to write music, I snatched up a pen and my song book jotting down words and using the creative flow I was feeling to its full potential.


Hey so short chapter, not very exciting I'm just trying to give some incite to the beginning of the plot or whatever I'm trying to achieve here ( a reasonably readable story).
So yeah it will get good next chapter so stay tuned.
Thank you so much for reading this story you have no idear how much it means to me....xxxx

Vote, comment , or whatever it is you munchkins do, and I'll see you next chapter ( if you decide it worthy of you time ) xx

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