Diary of a founder

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My day went by quickly second and third period being uneventful. Lunch comprise of me and my varcity team making fun and joking .everything seemed to fly by smoothly like most days except for Alex being a dick to every poor unfortunate soal who happens to cross him and the few members in our click that were what I'd call dim whited idiots.

On my way out of 5th period with one of my closest friends Marcus and one of Alex's 'goons', the halls were empty as everyone had gone of to their last class, on our way to Marcus's locker to pick up his drama books, loud familiar laughter filling the halls. Alex's dim whited goons had a small boy, who's name I think was Mitch, pinned to the locker an were tipping the content of his school bag onto the floor. I looked to my left as Marcus gathered his books to find that Alex had a thin boy pressed to the opposite lockers. I couldn't see his face but I assumed that it was the boy Alex had an eye for since day one, I have never actual seen him befor and I only knew what Alex had told our team. I don't even know the boys name. Or remember his name. I think it began with a T ?
I couldn't pick up on what they were saying but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I was broken from thought as Marcus tapped my sholder. "I'm-" he was cut off by Alex turning his head towards the group.
" you guys go on ahead I'll catch up!" He had a devilish grin on his face.
We started down the hall again, i turned my head one last time out of curiosity, only to find Alex pushing the small figure further into the locker doors and his lips attached to the brunet boy, I still couldn't make out his face but I could tell he wasn't into the kiss.


I sighed audibly as I took my seat in the back of the drama theartre , Marcus and I being to last two students in the door just as the bell rang signaling that lessons have started. Not in the least bit interested as what mr. Chapmen was writing on the board, starting a conversation with Marcus.
Marcus being the only other decent guy on the varcity team besides, Scott, alfie and Kevin, who are all nice guys, unlike Alex . I won-.

" and you are late to my class again because?" Mr. Chapmen's voice caught my attention. Craining my neck to see the thin boy standing by the door with his head hung. That's the same boy that Alex was messing with in the hall. I still can't see his face.

" I'm r-really really sorry , sir. I-I just... Uhh.. I had to um talk to mrs. Brooks." He had a cute accent. I mentaly slaped myself for my wondering thoughts. Watching the boy slump in his seat, head still hung. I can't take my eyes off him. He so ....entrancing.

" poor kid! Alex should just leave him alone." Marcus mumbled quietly as the room had fallen silent from the interruption soon stating up again as they continued with their convasations.

" who exactly is he?" I turned to Marcus again, intreged by the small boy. Marcus is like the schools walking year book he knew everything about everyone. He knows every ones secrets. Maby that's why his hairs so big.

"His name is Troy sivan meltet, he moved here last spring he's been here for like a year and a half, uhh.. Let's see what else? oh yeah I herd from Scott that he is In chior and that his voice is angelic! He is origanly from South Africa but he was raised in Australia, witch exsplain a his accent! I don't really know much about him, he keeps to himself a lot."
I sat with my mouth slightly agape as to what Marcus found a small bit of information, shaking my head an closeting my mouth. I didn't think there was anyone he didn't know everything about, it makes this troy guy even more intreeging.
" oh not important but it's troye with an E, unique right ?" He added with a smile. Troye. That's cute. I want to know more.
" ok , so why exactly is Alex so obsessed with him?" I raised a questioning eye brow.

" well besides the fact that he can sing like an angle and that he is exstreamly atractive, but I don't even want to know what Alex wants with him all I know is that I don't think that poor troye enjoys it, no one even knows if he gay or not." He then looked me in the eye, a curious exspreshion on his face.
" you haven't seen him befor have you?" He quipped with a sly smirk spreading across his features.

I looked at troye and then back to Marcus shaking my head slightly embarrassed that troye has been here for so long and I didn't even notice.
" I feel alitle guilty, I was sure I knew everyone."

" no one can know everyone in the school ty, well except me of course it's my job!" He giggled quietly.

As the lesson staged on I found myself looking at the boy in the third row, still not being able to see his face only the back of his head. Troye? Why does this boy intregee so much. I have so many questions. Why does he put up with Alex? Why dosnt he ask for help? Not that it matters but Is he gay? Why have I never seen him before? Wh-
The end of school bell rang and I watched as troye sprinted to his feet an out the door as soon as it rung.


"Ugh... " I grumbled as I sat in my car, leaning back in my seat and rubbing my hands over my face, I can't get this kid out of my head I felt bad for him having to deal with Alex all the story's i have herd about some of the thing Alex makes the poor kid do, he's just another bullied kid, why is it him that I seem so tryed up on. I need to clear my head.

I drive the short distance, parking outside of the old burnt down mill off to the side if the small town, walking through the burnt court yard and through one of the half standing buildings it's probably safer to walk around like I usualy do bit today I felt like taking a detour, I usualy only come here late at night or early hours of the morning , very rarely after school or on a day were I just need a get away. Pushing the burnt wood out of my way and ducking fallen beams I walked through the burnt building, enjoying the crunch of ash and glass under my feet. This old mill was burnt down a very long time ago when I was just a boy, some young vandals thourght it would be fun to burn it down. at the time the mill was full of second hand books that were to go to the orphanage a few miles away. I guess they never made it considering the books got burnt down along with everything else.
I made my way up the rickety steps watching my footing carefully.
Suddenly the step I was on gave way, luckily I made it onto the next step or I would have at least broken a bone or worse. I guess I'll have to find a different yay down. Taking a shaky deep breath befor I wiped the sweet from my forehead and continued up the last four steps. Once I'd made it up to the second floor i was sitting on a window ledge when something caught my eye. Near the wall on the far side covered by some burnt wooden beamed and a pile of ash was something of a dark red colour. I shifted the small beams and blew some of the ash away to find a small red covered book. I picked it up and blew away some of the ash and dust, it was slightly burnt but was still in tackt looking at the spine to find the title of the old book, ' Harry potter ' which volume I wasn't sure because the rest had been burnt away , I looked around to see if I could find any more books , checking the third floor whitch was collapsed half way by the roof an it's floor hitting the second, giving a open view of the sky and the woods to the side of town, i only get this kind of view from the old oak tree id come here to clear my head. I found a dark blue book with no title just the date '1862''writen on the spine, I gently opened the book , surprised to find beautiful cursive hand writing writen in what seemed to be ink and what I'd assume a coligraphy pen of some sort, on the first page in the same beautifully coligraphy was the same date '1862'and a name ' Violte Eloese fell'
I flipped the page ever so gently to find that this must be a diary.

'January 1st 1862,

My name is Violte eloese Fell. I was born on the 12th of March 1846.
I live in a small town called hamilngton, The Fells being one of the four founding family , my great grand father Agustin Fell foundered this town with Gilbert Grassi, Bruce Hoying and Josephus Sugg 25 years ago. But I am not here to tell their story, I am here to tell mine'.
I closed the small blue book, it seemed to be a diary of a girl from one of the towns founding family's. This is amazing, and I think I noticed some of the other names like Sugg and Hoying. I wonder if Scott Hoying is related to Bruce Hoying ? And jo Sugg must be related to Josephus Sugg I have to find out.
I placed the book carfuly into my Bag along with the Harry potter book. Befor climbing out the window and down the fire exscaped and back home skipping the tree altogether I have to read more of this girls story.

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