Grief Story

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Please turn your page
I wanna finish reading your story
It went so well on the beginning
Why is it now crashing?

I don't expect you to be my prince
I know that , that can't be
But take a listen to me
I need you here

Cause even your laugh is something
But when you leave so suddenly
the happy memories turn to nothing
I feel love
But that love's numbed
Everytime you leave
without saying why

I love what I've read so far
I'd hate to toss this book away
I'm afraid 
Ending  a good book is like losing a friend

Why have you stopped being
my escape from reality?
Why aren't you the page turner that thrills me?
Why aren't you there to dry my tears?
Why are your pages becoming torn?

I miss the fairytale I began reading
Now it's turned into a grief story I wasn't seeking

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