Fake People

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When I was just a little kid ,
I broke the home phone
(Oh get off the phone)
Well , I must've called the wrong number cause no one answered and I'm all alone
(All alone)
Stay far behind
I can't save your sick , twisted mind (oh , little sick , twisted mind)
Put your fantasies back on the shelf
I'm not your fairy godmother tonight
(Nope , not tonight)

I can't save you
I'm no wonder woman
So let me help myself
And let them see
that you're such a perfect , little human

Fake people
on the dance floor
Don't be deceived by what they say or do
cause they're all fake people
and they're screaming
chanting names of people they don't know
Cause they're all fake people
Yes , they're "perfect"
No flaws when they're pretending

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