Chapter 3

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~oh my goodness my third chapter! At first I thought I would delete this book because I didn't like my grammar and stuff like that. But know I kinda got it
Anyway enjoy the story.

I open the door to my lovely apartment and Angel dashes inside.

My apartment wasn't bad at all, it had white walls, brown wooden floor boards and marble counters in the kitchen.

My room had pastel colored walls, same wooden floors, a white dresser and a white bed to match it.

Angel spreads out onto my matte maroon colored couch.

"What if Hyuna likes us you know!! And decides to become our friend"
she squeals and hugs the couch cushion.

"Huh whatever" i roll my eyes knowing her fantasy would never come true, since she has a lot of fans.

About an hour later me and Angel were being weird, dancing to kpop music, and getting a bit drunk....

Anyway we both got hungry and searched for food to eat. There was a lot of food in the fridge and neither of them didn't feel like cooking nor anything fitted the description of their taste buds.

They decided to settle down for some a bag of chips, at a store a few blocks away.

They both got on there jackets and headed out for the door.

They only had enough for one bag, because they were buzzed and didn't want to walk back home to get their purse.

"Regular chips" Angel decides.

"No i want an ice cream instead" Eun Hae says.


"BUT I FEEL LIKE ICE CREAM NOW" she shot back.

"Whoever gets there first gets to pick and I'm choosing chips" Angel sticks out her tongue and dashes to the store leaving me behind.

"Hey!! " I chase after the brown haired girl and follow her around the corner.

I forgot to mention it was night, so many weirdos were lurking around at this hour.

After chasing her around the corner I bump into her, She's just standing there. I didn't even realize her face had a startled expression as she looked ahead.

"Angel? Did you give up! haha!" I walk past her until I bump another person from the dark part of the walkway.

To my instinct I quickly bow and apologize. "Ah Mianhe!" I get thrown back towards Angel and she quickly catches me.

"Hey! What the hell? I said I was sorry!" I look up to see a tall male standing in front of us, and three other males in the back.

" Hey! high school girls! Check it out! " the male with the alcohol in his hand said before he took another sip of his drink.

"Awe they look so innocent" another man says as he reaches for me and has a tight hold onto my wrist.

"Want some fun?" He smirks and pulls me towards him.

"YAH LET GO" I push him back harder then I expected too, he then bumps into the other guy.

"Run!" I turn around and pull Angel's arm.

We both sprint pretty fast around the corner and manage to lose the males, we didn't go to the store, instead we ran back to my house.

Once we got inside I was afraid, something bad could of happen to us! What the hell was I thinking? Going out late? I'm never doing that again.

Angel is acting weird, she didn't say anything through the whole situation. She didn't even help me when I got grabbed by that man? Speaking of that man... He had a strange necklace... it kinda looked familiar.

"Aish, i should of punched them for being so disrespectful!!!" I walk into my bedroom.

Angel's POV

I'm so stupid! Why didn't I do anything!!!

He had the necklace! he had to be the sword keeper! I should of spoke to him but he was drunk and he probably wouldn't of recognized me...

I turn to look for Eun Hae, I go into her room and see her passed out on her bed.

" pabo" i cover her up with her blanket and exit the room.

As a human Eun Hae would obviously freak out when three grown men tried to attack her.

As for me? Not so much I have a little secret... I'm an actual Angel, you know? The ones with wings and a halo on my head? Yeah that kind.

But I'm not a good angel, so why em i an angel? Well because i got a job down here on earth.

Sorry this was a short chapter. *doubt's not any people read my story anyways 😂 but eh, thanks whoever reads my story! *high fives reader* I'm out!

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