Chapter IV

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  • Dedicated to Our French teacher who is leaving

Ne me quitte pas, mon cher

Ne me quitte pas

~ Don’t Leave Me/ Ne me quitte pas (Regina Spektor)

*Coarse language*


The big day has finally arrived – my birthday. All week, my family and friends had been asking me what I wanted; but truthfully, I only wanted their company.

. . . That, and to see Damon perform at La Coquille. I couldn’t wait. During the day, I would go to work, as per usual, then have a little spa session with Ariel and Cassie in the afternoon, and at night we’d have dinner at La Coquille and watch Damon’s performance.

When I walked in the shop, a figure came up behind me and covered my eyes.

“Guess who?”

I laughed. “I know it’s you, Damon.”

He chuckled and held up his palms. “Guilty as charged.”

He then produced a small, wrapped package from his pocket. He gave me the box with a small smile. “Happy Birthday,” he murmured, looking into my eyes.

I looked down, bashfully, at the gift in my hands. I carefully untied the bow and unpeeled the tape.

On the box, he’d written a quote: “And in this moment, I swear we are infinite,” I read aloud.

I looked up at him. “The Perks of Being a Wallflower, you remembered!”

I’d told him before that it was my favourite book.

He smiled sweetly at me. “Of course.”

Opening the box, I could barely contain with excitement. Nestled in the tissue paper was a CD, titled, “Belle’s Mix Tape” and was dated 07/13/2012. I read the soundtrack, and it had a good combination of artists I liked and ones he’d introduced me to.

“It’s not exactly a mix tape, but I got inspired by Charlie from Perks, so . . .”

I just smiled. “I love it. It’s perfect.”

Then something gold caught my eye. Underneath the CD case was a delicate gold necklace. I gently picked it up, and hanging in the centre was a small seashell charm, with a tiny diamond within the shell to resemble a pearl.

I gasped with wonder. “My, this is incredible!” It was so beautiful and timeless, and I wanted to wear it immediately.

Damon held the necklace. “May I?”

I nodded with pure joy.

He stepped behind me, and I could feel his body heat. My heart was beating insanely and my blood was roaring in my ears. The metal was cool when it touched my skin, and my skin burned where he touched it. He took his time, gently brushing my hair to the side so that it wouldn’t get caught. When he’d finally clasped the necklace, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

“How’re you so good at that?” I’d really hoped it wasn’t because he had too many girlfriends in the past.

“Four sisters, remember?” he smirked.

I sighed and felt dumb for a moment then laughed. I’d been worried about nothing. He looked at me strangely and I stopped laughing.

“What? Do I look weird?” I was instantly self-conscious.

He smiled at me again, “. . . Nothing.”

That made me shy, and I touched the charm of my necklace to calm my nerves.  I knew this was soon to become a habit.

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