Chapter VI

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Slow it down, make it stop

Or else my heart is going to pop

~ The Show (Lenka)

Ariel was a sobbing mess, and I lent her my shoulder, patting her back and combing her hair to comfort her. She’d been crying for a good 10 minutes straight, and I couldn’t ask her what exactly happened. When her wailing was reduced to a few hiccupy breaths, I tried again.

“Hey. How did you find out?” I asked softly. I looked her right in her shining, emerald eyes, rimmed red with all of the crying.

She sighed deeply. “Well, I was hanging with Serena and the rest of the cheerleaders, then I went to the bathroom for a bit. When I came out, I heard someone giggling – a girl. Then I saw Regina and Nate . . . making out . . . r-right on the . . . patio!” She gasped the last part between fresh sobs.

She fell on my chest, weeping heavily. I sighed, patting her hair. “It’s okay, honey. I’ll definitely talk to him.” I reassured her.

Just then, I saw a frantic Nate running towards us. “Ariel!” he yelled from a distance.

He caught sight of us, and I gave him the most vicious glare I could muster. Ariel just dug her face into my shoulder even more.

When he approached, I turned my back to him. “I think you’ve done enough damage, Nate,” I spat at him.

He looked genuinely sorry and pleaded to Ariel. “Come on, baby. Let me explain!”

She shook her head and whispered, “I think you should go.”

Nate’s face suddenly became broken and terribly sad. His eyes were filled with tears, and I knew he was trying his hardest not to cry. He’d always been like that, trying to act strong and tough, and he has a hard time expressing his emotions. Seeing him in this state chipped at my initial anger. He was my baby brother, after all.

Then I snapped out of it. Why would he be sad if he was the one who cheated on her?

I turned away from him and replied, “Actually, it’s okay. Ariel and I will leave instead.” And with that, we walked away.

Nate stayed where he was, and I heard him mumble, “Fine. Go.” His voice cracked.

I looked back at him. He was punching the water now, and shouting curses. Right as we took off, the rain starting pouring. It was as if the weather was on par with our lives. We heard gasps of disappointment and groaning as we fled the scene.


In her fragile state, I’d decided to sleep over at her house. When we got there, I called my mom when she was in the shower.

“Hi sweetie!” Mom’s kind voice filled the receiver. “Happy Birthday! How was it tonight?”

I sighed. “It was great, until a certain point . . . Nate and Ariel might have gotten into a fight.”

“What did that boy do this time?” She grumbled. “I can’t believe he would hurt Ariel! I need to have a serious talk with him.”

“It’s fine, Mom, we’ve got this. Just . . . don’t give him a hard time when he gets home. He’s pretty upset too,” I responded.

She sighed. “Okay. I’m guessing you’re staying at Adelaide’s tonight?”

“Yeah . . . I’m gonna try to cheer Ariel up.”

“No problem. Just make sure you’re home for tomorrow evening.”

“Thanks, Mom, I will. Bye!”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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