Google really does know everything

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After a while he began to look a whole lot better. The color had returned to his cheeks and he looked looked more relaxed, as if the pain had eased. But his skin seemed to grow extremely warm, like he was burning with a fever.


He opened his eyes and looked at me like he was going to say something, but then a loud shrill filled the air.

I took out my phone and saw my mom's caller ID on my phone. I was about to answer it when Mitchell grabbed the phone out of my hand.

"You can't answer it. Not here."

The expression on his face stopped me. He looked terrified. The look in his eyes was enough to convince me that some apocalyptic event like Justin Bieber becoming president would happen if I answered the call. I couldn't help myself from nodding.

"I've got to go, but we will talk about what the hell just happened. Goodbye."

"Alright." He whispered.

"Ok." I throw back at him running out the door.

My phone continued ringing, but I ignored it until I was outside the building. Opening my phone I was greeted by the voice of a very angry mother.

Needless to say, I rushed home.

Once there, I couldn't help but go over the lamia attack in my head. What the did hell did it all mean? It's not like I could just ask google.

WAIT—WHAT IF I COULD? What if Google knew more about this lamia thing. I mean, honestly, even if google didn't, what did I have to lose?

Heading over to my parent's room, I stole my dad's laptop and ran out making up an excuse about homework before he could protest.

I quickly turned on the computer and typed in the word "lamia." To my surprise, I found that snake lady creature on Wikipedia.

I read article about her and clicked through the images I found.

One thought crossed my mind.

Holy shit, what the hell did I just myself into!?!?!?

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