Mitchell isn't human but he is rude

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No way!!! This can't be true!!

That was the only thought running through my head as I stared blankly at the laptop screen. Suddenly everything that happened—as crazy as it all seemed—clicked.

Nope. No way. Greek Mythology is not real. Nope. No way in hell (hades?!?!)

Maybe this was some kind of elaborate prank that I had fallen victim to.

But I remember the feeling of the dagger in my hand as it easily sliced through the monster. I remember her dying shriek that filled the air and the way she crumbled at the wind's touch. It was all just too real.  

I slammed the computer shut.

No, this was real, and I had to know what was going on. I thought of Mitchell. He knows what's going on. I groaned.

I looked down at the laptop and cracked it opened again. It wouldn't hurt to look would it? Just for a little while...

"Just a little while" turned into me falling asleep at four o' clock in the morning.

All weekend, I pretended I had some " big project" due about Greek Mythology to hide my insane research from my parents. In reality though, I was preparing myself for whatever crazy explanation Mitchell might give me.

When Monday morning came, I had never felt so ready for anything in my life.

All day I kept my eyes peeled for Mitchell.

Finally, during 5th period I spotted him talking with some girl by some lockers.

"Mitchell! Mitchell!" I yelled, flapping my arms like a major dork as ran up to him.

His face turned white,  and he muttered something to the girl. She left angrily, giving me the stink eye and muttering something about a centaur in a prom dress?

"What do you want?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

I glared at him. Why was he acting stupid?  He knew exactly why I was here.

" Is Greek Mythology real?"

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