C H A P T E R 20 ♡
Aubrey ♡
Like everyday since I was raped I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked into school. The hallways were quiet besides the whispers I heard as I headed towards my locker. They're probably whispering about me.
I opened my locker and focused on what I needed to grab before I heard a sound behind my locker. I closed it and there stood Dacian.
"Hey..." I stated lowly.
"Look, don't worry about the looks they're giving you. They're just a bunch of nobodies talking about something they know nothing about." Dacian told me making me nod my head in agreement.
"I can't help but to worry though. Everyone's staring at me and...it's too much." I replied back to him closing my locker.
"Here, I'm gonna walk you to your first class baby just calm down and pay attention to me." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me towards my classroom.
"Dacian, I love you." I said catching myself off guard and covering my mouth.
He stopped walking completely and stared into my eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It's just that you're the only person that makes me feel special and it's just unexplainable feeling I get when I'm around you." I told him.
Dacian shook his head. "No, it's fine because I love you too." He replied back making me blush.
We continued to stare at each other for a couple of more minutes before the bell ranged reminding me to get to class.
"Get to class, I'll be fine walking to my class." I told him waving him off.
"Are you sure?" Dacian questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sure." I assured him sending him a smile.
"Alright." He stated before kissing my forehead and walking off.
I smiled big before heading to class.
When I got to class I was the last one to walk in so it was silent but I was shocked to see Jayden sitting in his normal seat next to mine.
I rolled my eyes before walking to my desk and turning my back towards him.
Why didn't anyone tell me he was back in school? That would've been helpful. I probably wouldn't have came to school.
I felt him tug on my shirt. I roughly pulled my shirt out of his hand before paying attention to the teacher.
This is gonna be a long class..
"Are you alright?" Dacian asked making me jump up.
Second period just finished and I'm headed to lunch.
"Yeah, uhh why are you asking?" I asked him.
"Because you seem a little jumpy." He stated with a slight chuckle.
"I'm trying to stay as far as I can away from Jayden." I told him honestly.
"He's here? Why did they let him out so early?" Dacian questioned me.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know , he must have a good lawyer." I replied back to him.
Dacian and I both got our lunches before heading to our usual table.
"That's crazy that they would let him off that easy. I mean you were raped so why can't they just do some sort of test to figure it out." Dacian said looking confused.
It's too late already. If they would've believed me in the first place than he would've been in jail. They can't go off of what I told them without a witness or a test." I explained to him.
He nodded in understanding.
"So he just gets to go free..." Dacian stated glaring at Jayden who's sitting with his group of friends.
I shook my head before taking a bite out of my food.
"Hey guys." Aaliyah said joining the table.
"Where have you been missy?" Dacian asked her getting into her face.
She put her hand up in front of his face.
"First of all, you're not my father second, you need to get out of my face and third, I woke up late because someone didn't wake me up." She retorted rolling her eyes at Dacian.
Dacian laughed. "Well, I'm not your father so why should I care what time you wake up." He said making both of us laugh.
Aaliyah crossed her arms over her chest as she mean mugged Dacian. "whatever."
Our conversation was interrupted when a boy from Jayden's group of friends came over to our table.
"I don't like how you tried to set my man Jayden up, lying about how he raped you when he didn't. You ain't gotta lie about being a hoe. If you're a hoe just face it. Be sure to give me a call to let me know when it's my turn." The boy said making the cell phone gesture against his head.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Before I could reply back though Dacian got up and pushed him.
"Woah, you might want to keep your hands to yourself!" The boy snapped getting up angrily.
"And if I don't?" Dacian asked smartly cracking his knuckles.
"Dacian, please just sit down." Aaliyah begged as he slowly walked towards the boy.
"Listen to Aaliyah!" I agreed with her.
I pulled on his arm gently to have him pull out of my grip.
The boy sent a punch towards Dacian's face and he dodged it sending a punch to his stomach.
"You were being very fucking disrespectful." Dacian said sending more punches to the boy.
Suddenly it was a full on fight and the boys were going at it like animals. Dacian was the one sending most of the punches compared to the other kid though.
It wasn't long before the security guards pulled Dacian off of the boy.
"Don't ever disrespect Aubrey again!" Were Dacian's last words as he got carried out of the lunch room.
Dacian in mm 😍❤️What do you guys think?
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Teen FictionHave you ever felt so used and abused that you wanted to end it all? I did about a month ago when I got raped. I tried to tell everyone even the police but they thought that I was lying and making stuff up. I feel so used and people keep spreading l...