C H A P T E R 27 ♡
Jayden ♡
I watched as Aaliyah and Aubrey talked together walking down the hallways.
I must admit, I'm very attracted to Aaliyah but she wouldn't give me a chance after what I did to Aubrey. I guess that's my fault.
I miss being around Aubrey. She was was one of the only females I could trust and she always made me feel special. I guess that's what kind of made me attracted to her. I still regret all of the harsh names I called her before I turned myself in. I was acting like a jerk and she didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve anything I put her through.
I guess Aaliyah could feel my eyes on her because she turned towards me.
She had a plain facial expression on her face as we had our little stare down.
I sent her a wink making her face towards Aubrey quick.
She probably thinks I'm the worst guy ever and that I should've been in jail.
One of the main reasons my mom and dad kicked me out was because of what other people had to say about the whole situation. Like I said when I was in that jail cell people are gonna look at my differently and they do. Some people think I should be in jail, some think I should be dead, but there are some people who are on my side.
If only they knew the real story...maybe it's time I tell everyone the real story..
Aaliyah ♡The way Jayden was looking at me is still imprinted in my head. He looks like he's going through a lot. I mean he should be going through a lot after all he has done to Aubrey but I can't help but to feel sorry for him.
He's still young and he made a stupid mistake. He's probably gonna have to deal with this for the rest of his life.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Aubrey banged her hand down on the table to catch my attention.
"What's up with you, Aaliyah? You aren't even talking at all and you look kind of upset?" Aubrey asked me making Dacian turn and look towards me.
"Nothing." I lied.
"Doesn't seem like nothing to me." Dacian said butting into the conversation.
I held my hand up and rolled my eyes at him.
"First of all, mind your business." I told him making him smack his lips.
"Whatever, seriously what's going on with you? You haven't been acting the same since that one night." He said referring to the night I almost had dinner with Jayden.
"It's about Jayden isn't it?" Aubrey whispered so Dacian couldn't hear but I think he did anyways.
"If you're thinking about that sorry excuse for a man then just stop it. He's nothing but a punk who couldn't get any so he had to rape Aubrey." Dacian stated with look of anger on his face.
I nodded my head. "Alright, I'll stop thinking about him. I'm sorry." I confirmed.
Aubrey grabbed my hand.
"You don't have to apologize." She stated making me smile.
"We'll talk later on." She added with a wink before turning back towards Dacian.
Probably to calm him down because it's like every time we mention Jayden's name he gets heated.
I just shrugged it off and continued eating my food.
I felt a arm wrap around my neck making me turn my head quickly.
"Why are you touching me?" I asked Jayden as he smiled at me.
He held his hands up in defense with a cute grin on his face.
"I'm sorry, it's just a habit." He said making me shake my head.
"Well that's a pretty bad habit." I replied back to him before continuing to walk.
I felt him tug on my hand.
"Can we talk? Please don't walk away from me." He pleaded making his big brown eyes ever larger.
I stood there for a second contemplating whether I should let him talk or not. After a couple of seconds I gave him the okay to talk.
"Alright, look I want to tell you the truth..." He started to say before I cut him off.
"I don't need to know the truth, Aubrey already told me that. What I really want to know is what was going through your head when you did it!" I snapped pointing a finger in his face.
"Aubrey and I were bestfriends for a while so when I started having feelings for her I didn't know how to handle it. Not only did I start having feelings for her but I also felt this attraction towards her. I guess my hormones took over and that's what happened. I regret it a lot and I wish I could take it back but I can't. I don't want her being mad at me forever and I hope that one day she does forgive me but I don't see that coming anytime soon." He explained to me.
He looks like he's very serious and I'm pretty good at telling whether someone's lying or not.
"Why would you just risk losing Aubrey like that if you cared so much about her?" I questioned him still slightly confused.
"I don't know. I'm just so damn stupid!" He yelled banging his hand on his head.
I sighed.
"Jayden, you're not stupid, you just made a mistake, one you can't take back...."
Aaliyah in mm 😍Is Aaliyah making a mistake?
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