Chapter 1: Blackwood Pines (Part One)

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((I suggest listening to Dirty Night Clowns as you read this chapter, the picture is what Kristen looks like))

Hazel: 5/10

Annabelle: 7/10

Kristen: 8/10

Zack: 9/10

Aaron: 8/10

Jordan: 7/10

Nicholas: 6/10

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

I was in the cable car with Annabelle, Jordan, and Kristen, I had my headphones on listening to Dirty Night Clowns, looking out the window, I was daydreaming, and I wasn't really paying attention, I was enjoying the beautiful view as we were in the cable car. "Dude, I'm so excited for our first year here at the lodge!" Kristen said, Annabelle nodded her head. "Same! I haven't been up here for at least 3 months. Who's ready to party like we're fucking pornstars!?" Annabelle said, Kristen laughed at her comment.

Jordan looked over at me. "Hey...Are you okay?" He asked, I looked over at him, and took off my headphones. "What? I didn't hear you.." I said, he stared at my face and asked his question again. "I was wondering if you were okay, knowing that your going to be away from your family and all.." He said, I smiled sweetly at him. "Yeah, I'm alright," I said, he nodded his head. "Just making sure." He said.

I decided to keep my headphones off of my head for the rest of this cable car trip, which wasn't long, there was only 2 minutes left of the trip when we arrived at our destination. "Finally! My butt hurts from sitting!" Kristen said as she hopped up from her seat, she grabbed her suitcase, and so did everyone else, I was the last person off, and we began walking to the lodge.

I had this weird feeling, I felt like I was being watched as we were walking, I tried to brush off the feeling, but I just couldn't, I looked behind me to see if there was anyone or anything following us, but no one was behind us. "Strange..." I mumbled to myself, as I turned back around and caught up with Kristen and them.


However, they were being watched by Josh, he was hiding in the thick forest, his eyes pondered on the teenagers that were at the path, he let a low growl emerge from him, which caused one of them to look behind them, he watched the teenager as she looked behind her.

His breathing hitched, it had been quite a long time since he had seen humans, the last time he saw some was down in the mines where they became his meal. The teenager went back to her friends.

What was this weird feeling in his stomach? Was it hunger? No...He ate not too long ago...He could've swear he remembered the feeling, but didn't remember what it was called. Love was it? Possibly...


When we finally got to the Lodge, I rattled the gate, which didn't do shit, the gate was frozen! I got a bit pissed and kicked the gate, (Y/N) went up to me and tapped my shoulder. "We could climb up on the rocks over there and then get the key from the other side and open the gate for everyone else." She improvised, I nodded my head.

"Good idea! But who's good at climbing?" I asked, Kristen raised her hand. "I'll do it." She said, she went over to the rocks and climbed up on them, when she got to the other side, she went over to the welcome mat, and got the key from under it, and she unlocked the gate, and opened it.

"Boosh!" She said when she opened it, which caused everyone to laugh a bit, except for (Y/N), she looked behind and around us. I put my hand on her shoulder, which caused her to jump a little. "Hey...You okay?" I asked, this was the first time I ever saw her like this, she nodded her head sheepishly. "Y-yeah! I'm okay!" She said, I had a small feeling that something was wrong.

"Oh, okay then!" or "Are you sure?"

"Oh...Okay then!" I chose, I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Now come one! Let's get going inside, it's fucking cold out here!" I said, she laughed a little bit and we entered into the lodge.

A Strange Telling Of Beauty And The Beast (Wendigo! Josh x Reader) {Until Dawn}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant