Chapter 8

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Thresh's POV

I can't believe she actually did that! How disrespectful can she be?!

But I have to admit, seeing her take charge was actually kinda hot-

I shook my head. What?! What am I thinking?! I can't think like that! I won't!

If I do start to think like this, I'll hurt her. I never wanted to find my mate. It's too dangerous. And I now know that Shiva is not willing to back down easily.

This could be harder than I thought.

I smelled him before he came into view. My Beta, Ronan's dark brown wolf form stepped in from the trees. I growled at him. "I thought I told you to watch her."

He calmly nodded. "You did, but I let her go to you."

"What?!" I got up in her face. "Care to explain why?"

Ronan shook his head and a glimpse of sadness appeared in his eyes. "What happened to you man? We use to talk about finding our mates and protecting them. Why are shutting her out. If this is because of your-"

I cut him off with a low growl. "You are in no place to be questioning me about this!"

"Actually I can-"

He didn't finish because I smacked him to the ground with my large paw. As I glared at my best friend on the ground, I realize what I did and widened my eyes slightly.

"Ronan, I-I'm sorry I-"

Ronan shook his head and got up. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have cared." He started to walk away. "By the way, this doesn't mean you're like him."

Ronan disappeared in the lush greenery and I stood there, still as stone. I hit my best friend. The one who has always been there for me my whole life. Who helped me with my problems. My voice of reason. And I just hit him.

This is why I can't be with my mate. I'm too dangerous, too much like... him.

I sighed as I started to walk back to my pack's den. On my way there, I tried to decide what to say to who. Of course I would apologize to Ronan for... what happened, but couldn't figure out how to approach Shiva.

Shiva was different than any other werewolf I have ever encountered. Didn't back down from a fight, even though she knows she might lose, she tries anyway. She has a strong sense of courage and determination, I liked that. I found it very... attractive.

I shook my head. No I can't think that. Think of something Thresh. Like her scent. Peppermints and strawberries. I could get use t-

"No!" I growled out. "I can't think like this!"

"You'll hurt her." A voice in my head said. "Just like me, you'll hurt her."


"Don't lie to yourself. You know you will. And this is only proving my point. Your temper, your anger, all reaching it's boiling point right now."

I roared so loud that it made a nearby grizzly scatter in the opposite direction. "SHUT UP!"

"You can't escape."


"You can't hide."


"You will never be free."


I started to slash my claws at the trunks of unfortunate nearby trees. One by one, a tree fell. One for every word the voice was saying to me, mocking me.

I knew it was true. I can never be free.



It wasn't until the sun fully set behind the mountains when I got back to my house. The stars were twinkling in the darkness, dancing in the sky. I envied them. They were up there, and I was in the dirt.

I smelled something delicious cooking in the kitchen and couldn't fight back my hunger. I haven't eaten anything since last night.

With caution, I walked into the kitchen to see Shiva. She was turned away from me, stirring in a pot on the stove. I heard her sigh to herself.

"If only." She said.

I cleared my throat to get her attention. She gasped as she whipped her body to face me. We stared at each other for a few moments until she blinked then look at the pot again.

"Um. I made some chicken soup. I didn't know what you like but... I-"

"I'm not hungry." I cut in. It was a total lie. That soup smelled so good, but I couldn't look soft in front of her. Especially now.

Her face fell. "Oh. Okay."

I turned to walk back, but something made me pause. With a sigh, I said. "Maybe later."

Then I walked out.


"You lost them?!" I growled at two of my subordinates who had their heads low, ears flat and tails between them. They were submitting to me.

The grey one closest to me, Gavin, spoke up. "They were too fast. We chased them all the way to the falls but-"

I stalked down from the large boulder to stand right in from of him. "There are no excuses for your failure. You are Blood Diamonds! You should be able to catch mere rouges that threaten my title."

The reddish-brown wolf to my left whined out. "We're sorry we failed you Alpha."

"Apologizes do not apply in this pack. You should've learned that from your last mistake, Aragon. Or should I remind you." I said menacingly as I stalked towards him. Aragon whined and lowered his body more. I shook my head. "You are all pathetic. I'll do it myself! Ronan! You're in charge until I get back." I looked at the three subordinates. "And make sure these three understand that mere apologizes don't fly here."

With that, I ran off through the dark forest in search of the rouges that have been spotted around my territory.

My anger was at it's boiling point. Not because my pack members failed, but because of what happened earlier with Shiva.

The rage I felt when I was acting like... him. I couldn't stay anywhere near her for a while, I needed to get away.

I needed to kill something.

Like the monster I was.

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