Chapter One

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Chapter One - Everything has Changed


Ugh... what time is it...


Shut up already! I'm up, gosh...

I slap the alarm clock to the floor with the same force as a house cat pushing a glass off of the kitchen counter for no reason.

"Great... That's probably broken now."

I push the duvet aside and walk over to my bathroom. The girl standing in front of the mirror is newly titled high-school senior wishing for more sleep. The girl looking back at me within the mirror is a mess of hair, day old makeup, and a tiny bit of drool. Definitely not a look to show up with on the first day of school. 

I plug my phone into the tiny bathroom speaker. Pulling back the llama filled shower curtains, I rotate the shower nozzles and start singing along to whatever Spotify decided to grace me with this morning. The only bottle left in the shower is "Krakengärd" scented body wash from Old Spice belonging to my brother-not exactly the smell I had in mind for today, but it'll have to do.

The water from the shower is warm enough to leave behind a layer of steam on the glass allowing time to check in on the group chat with my friends while I wait for it to clear.


CLAIRE: Good morning babes!! FIRST DAY OF SENIOR YEAR WHOOP WHOOP!! Need help choosing an outfit:

CLAIRE: Attachment: 4 images

EMILY: If the excitement from today doesn't kill me, I think my cat will.

EMILY: Attachment: 1 image

EMILY: Also, def go with outfit 2. WAY less basic than 1 and 3 and less childlike than outfit 4.

BELL: I agree. Outfit 2. Also tell Tinkles I said hi, Em.

As the mirror finally clears, I begin the morning's preparations, sticking with the familiar:

Winged liner to make my eyes pop. Check. Half up, naturally curly hair to show off its deep brown color: Check. A perfectly pinky-nude lipstick: Check.

Hmmmm... what to wear...

I don't really want to stand out too much, its just school after all. A simple band tee and jeans is perfect. High-Tops, can't forget the High-Tops


Honestly, the beginning of this school year feels just like all the others before. BORING. I would think the first day of senior year is supposed to be magical, or at least filled with intensity and drama, like it always is in the movies. I guess not.  Here, there are the same-old preppy welcoming committees which include cheerleaders and the dance team; the freshmen have their annual orientation assembly; and the over-dramatic friends are running up to each other screaming as if they didn't just see each other last weekend.

As for my best friends and I, we were inseparable all summer. So instead of the whole "OH MY GOSH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH HOW HAVE YOU BEEN WHAT DID YOU DO" act, we decide to browse around for some new faces-and hopefully some cute ones. Admittedly, there were some cuties, but most were simply average, making them merely a green skittle.

As most close-knit friend groups do, we enjoy gossiping about cute boys we pass in the hallways, but we also try to not make it completely obvious. Thus, the "Skittle Scale."

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