Chapter Two

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Chapter 2 - We Were Almost Perfect

As the first few weeks of school went by, Danny and I became closer and closer. We eventually learned almost everything about each other. Emphasis on ALMOST. Everyone has their secrets, right?

"You know, this school has way too many posters and stuff on its walls," he said as we were walking down the upstairs corridor towards the school library.

"Why do you say that?" I teased flirtatiously. "I find having the walls covered in info is better than not knowing about anything at all."

"Hmm, I guess you do have a point there, Bell." He turned to a poster hiding a smirk. "Speaking of posters, I spy a gigantic one about the Halloween Masquerade coming up... and there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

"Oh really now?" I smirked, a smile hidden behind it.

"Yep! but now that you seem interested... I think I'll wait to tell you."

"No!" I halted in protest. "That's not fair."

"Sure it is! After all, it's my secret."

"Come on, Danny, please tell me, pleeeassse," I even put on my best puppy dog face.

"Ugh." he jokingly rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll tell you. But only if you tell me one of your secrets first."

"Ummmm... I'm a total klutz, and I have a tendency to run into walls and doors."

"Yeah... I don't think stating the obvious counts as a secret Bell."

"Okay, then," I took a second to think about my answer.

What can I tell this mega hot boy that won't completely embarrass me?

"How about this? In movies and books, I tend to side more with the villains than the heroes," I suggested, trying to get his secret out.

"Good girl Bell Carson is a rebel at heart? I never would have guessed that one," He joked back at me.

"Ha ha, You're so funny. Your turn to spill a secret."

"A deal is a deal."

"Yayy!!" I giggled.

"Okay well... uhh... ever since the day we met, you know, when you were 'pushed' into me," He gave air quotes for emphasis.

"I was pushed!"

"Oh, yeah! Totally! I believe you," he rolled his eyes chuckling. "Anyways, I've had a crush on you ever since, and I was, uh, wondering if you would, I don't know, like to go to the Halloween Masquerade with me?"

Oh My God!! Is this real?! Did he really just ask me that?!?! I mean he is like one of the Hottest guys in school! And he just asked me, basically a nobody, to be his date to the Halloween Masquerade!! Okay girl, stay calm and act cool. Focus on what Claire and Emily told you. Breathe, breathe...

"Sure, I'd love to go to the dance with you... as friends, of-course," I replied slightly calm, secretly wishing for him to correct me on that last bit.

"Actually, about that... I was also hoping that we could... maybe... be more than friends...? Maybe you could be my girlfriend...?"

I could feel his nervousness when he spoke. No guy has ever acted this way around me before. It was so cute! The way he would tap his fingers against his jeans to help calm his nerves, or how his beautiful green eyes traveled to the floor. The way he'd brush his hair out of his face to make him look less awkward. Even when he is too nervous to try, he still looks freaking amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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