17 soon

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After, making a really awkward video with Mazie. I headed to my bathroom. I fixed myself and came out.
"Markk!" Bob yelled. Mazie turned her attention towards him too. "What is it Bob?" I asked.
"Check out this new video Sean posted on YouTube just a few minutes ago!" Bob said handing over his iPad to me.

The video was buffering, so I quickly read the title.
"Special guests!"

Special guests? Who did he meet? I just met him a few hours ago. Mazie got up from the sofa and came to watch the video as well.

'TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADIES!" He screamed like he always does in his every single videos.
"And todaay, I going to introduce you guys to some new guests I met today!" Jack says. Suddenly Rachel and Samantha comes in from left to right. I was so shocked.

"Hey!" They both said together.
"Guys introduce yourself!" Sean says.

"Hey! I'm Samantha, I'm 16! Soon gonna be 17. And loves to sing!" She said, grinning widely. Sean gives a high five to Samantha. "Well, I'm really good at singing to y'know!" Sean says and starts to singing 'who let's the dogs out' in a really terrible voice. Both of the girls laughed.
"Alright my turn!" Rachel says and talks about herself.

After that Sean goes somewhere and get a basket full of something.
"You know what guys! I'm really jealous of Rachel's purple hair so we're also gonna dry our hair!" Sean announced, smiling at Samantha. As she smiled back at him. I started to get really annoyed at Sean now.

"Okay, what color Sammy?" Sean says as he gives her the basket. "Well, you see these colors are really bright, there like neon. So is that okay?" Sean asks Samantha. She nodded. "I'll help you guys! I know how to do it!" Rachel shouts.
"Ummm, I'll chooose....hot pink!" Samantha replied.
"Then, I'll choose green!" Jack said.
Then they speed the video of them doing there hair.

Then suddenly, Mazie stopped the video.

I looked at her and saw anger on her face.
"Mazie?" She looks at me with puppy eyes. "Is our video done yet?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked. "Can you please upload it?"
I chuckled and nodded. "Bob! Can you upload the video for me please?!" I shouted loudly to Bob who was in the other room.
"Yay, thanks" Mazie said and hugged me tightly. My eyes widened and pushed her away. She looks at me shocked.
"Why? What's wrong?" She asks. "You no like Mazie's hugs?" She says in a baby voice.
"Uh, no. It's just that...that you hugged me really tightly" I lied.
"Oh, sorry!" Mazie's says and goes for another hug. "Marrrrk!" Bob calls me from the other room. "Yeah! Coming!" I said and ran to him. Leaving Mazie hanging like that. I feel sorry for leaving her like that.

"What's wrong, Bob?" I asked as I entered the room.
"Hey, man. I was thinking if you could also color your hair" Bob said, as he gives me his ipad. "This place can help us out."

He was showing me a haircut salon. I smiled as his idea, I actually wanted to do it.
"Yeah, that's a great idea Bob! I'll ask Mazie, if she wants to do it too!" Bob nodded his head.

"Oh, by the way, the video is uploaded."
I nodded and went back to the room where Mazie was.
"Hey, Mazie!" She looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, Markimoo?"

I blushed a bit, when she called me that.

"I was wondering if you wanna dye your hair? It'll be fun!" I grinned. But she gives me a 'are you stupid' look.
"Ugh. No, please! Why are we copying like them?!" Mazie said, rolling her eyes. "I look good enough already!" She spat.
I felt a bit angry but I just shrugged it off.
"It's okay if your not going to do it..I want to though"
She chuckled and shrugged.
"Well, it's okay If you wanna do it, I guess. You'll look hotter than Jack anyways!" She grinned.
What is up with her?

"Uh, yeah. T-thanks!" I replied, awkwardly.

Later, we did some random stuff and finally, Mazie left.

I let out a sigh in relief. I took my phone out of my pocket and clicked the twitter icon.
The first thing I saw was some nice tweets from my fans. A small smile formed on my face.

"I love @jacksepticeye 's Idea of dying hair! I wanna do it too!" I tweeted.

Then I see Sean twitter me back.
"Sure Mate! You can do it too! :) @markiplier"

"Yessshhhh! @jacksepticeye said YAS! What color should I do??!" I tweeted, smiling a bit.

I looked at the comments and a lot of people said "pink!"
This is actually good for charity as well. Suddenly, I got a tweet for Samantha. Cause I favorited her in twitter so I could read her messages quickly.

"My hair be lookin' good!" She tweeted. Now, I just wanted to see her so bad now. I wonder How she looks like in pink hair?
I really wanted to tweet back but I'm afraid people might think this is going somewhere.

Tomorrow is Sunday, I'll dye my hair Pink tomorrow as well. I hope this will turn out good!

Suddenly I saw another tweet. It was from Mazie. Yes. I followed her in twitter. She wanted my follow so bad so yeah..I followed her.

"My Markimoo will be looking better than u lol >:p @sammysings"

I smiled at that tweet, she must be just joking. I favorited that.

Then I turned off my phone and suddenly started thinking to Samantha.

"Hi I'm Samantha! I'm 16, going to turn 17 soon!"

"17? Huh?" When is her birthday though? Ugh, I want to wish her the very first.
I also want to get her something. And I have a brilliant idea!

I need to ask someone. Rachel!



More than a student! (Markiplier Fanfic)*REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now