-Death Stealer-

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They’re here.  I can feel them moving around like ants on bare skin.  The hunters.  Grim Reapers.  It’s only a matter of time before this play is under way.  I’ll never forget why I am here.  Not truly.  I’ve sinned against everything that I’ve lived for and as atonement I have to carry this burden.  So to the best of my ability I will walk in my shame and pray for the day that all this will end.  As far as the reapers go, they’re here for the girl and with no choice or say of her own she had been volunteered for an expedition. 

There I sat on my knees in a car tunnel leading through the park.  The slanted side walls of the under-bridge gave me a high perch to view all the passersby in silence.  I’ve been here for weeks now, waiting for the play to begin.  Under this bridge I can hear the footsteps of lost souls trampling the grass overhead.  I am in a state of repentance for crimes against my creator.  He, in his great wisdom, has given me the chance of mercy.  Through this punishment I seek saving at the mercy of his son, who not only sees my deeds but judges them to the fullest.  Yet if he finds fault with my actions, then let this yolk of shame snuff out my light forever.  If not, then I will continue my penance for the rest of my days.  Today is no different.  I will take her life.  In reaping her soul I will be granted leniency in my penance and freed from these chains. 

The chains are constructed from light, forged in the heart of the furthest star.  Their weight weighted by the amount of sins one has to bear.  Their equivalent is a heavy heart that neither rests nor sleeps and a conscience that neither ceases nor desists.  Not until every sin is accounted.  But there is nothing that I can do except my task.  This is why I was created.  It’s why I am. 

            Her home is just on the other side of the park.  I know her face, and her name.  The length of her hair her speech, her tears-I’ve studied.  As I waited for the time and date given to me, I saw a light shine before my eyes of a fire that burned like the sun.  This light lowered itself just before me and met with the ground where I sat.  The light dissipated.  A key?  My thoughts race heavily until I dared to reach the key with my bandaged hands.  Each hand rapped in gauze from the tip to wrist making it impossible to have the dexterity needed to turn a key.  I now knew what it was for, and no doubt in my mind that my moment was coming.          The tip of the key twinkled and shine like a playful star daring my encounter.  I shifted my body no longer wanting to hold, but resolve.  I watched as the key shimmered then happened to glance off in the direction the key pointed.  I smirked.  Standing to my feet I grasped the chains giving them a lite tug for slack.  Her presence tugged at my being leading me in the direction of her life.  Our meeting would be soon and soon I’d be free. 

Ignoring the key I stepped forward.  Their just beyond our meeting place.  She sat at a red light with three careless friends waiting.  As the light turned green she accelerated forward to the next light which remained green, awaiting my introduction-collision.   

Tee-boned on the driver’s side, the car crumpled like discarded tin foil.  The truck driver was thrown into a parked car from his seat instantly being killed.  The four he struck weren’t so lucky.  I checked the truck driver’s body on the hood of the car-his head, was inside.  The passengers of the sideswiped car weren’t any better, but they had me-at least she did.  I raced over to the car and with all my might I tore the driver side door off the frame.  Her body was mangled.  Bone fragments, and chunks of flesh mingled with glass and twisted metal.  She was failing fast; they all were.  I managed to pull them from the ball of metal and lay them in the grass near the curb.  I placed a single feather in each of their veins letting death drain slowly into each feather like poured water into a vase.  The snow white feathers twisted and wilted turning a dusty black, as they absorbed the deaths of each victim.  The truck driver included.  Before long life had been restored to each person and the holy feathers, died turning to ash.  They’d be awake soon, Hayden Brooke was safe, and so I took my leave. 

These chains weighed heavy on my soul for years.  This was the first time there weight meant nothing to me.  For one who’s seen burdens as heavy as a thousand life times today they failed to weigh me down.  And this is where it all begins.  She will search. 

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