-The Turning Point-

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-The Turning Point-

[Andelus Speaking]

            With a soft expression I glanced at Tierra, “What's Nassau Green?”

            She brushed off the pockets of her blue jeans and stood next to me calmly, "Nassau Green is a local pier at the beach that we frequent during the summer.  It’s how I met Kyle.  Everyone goes there; it’s a really popular spot to…”

            I interjected abruptly, "…at the beach?"

            She nodded softly not yet coming to the realization of what she was saying.  But before she could ask a question my feet were blazing down the path towards the cabin. They had found her---the Reapers found Hayden.

            My feet came to a screeching halt as the scent of blood passed under my nose.  The cabin door opened as the half Reaper, half man revealed itself.  His skin had become black as space.  His posture---crooked.  He hunched forward shuffling and dragging his feet as he broke the doorway and turned along the porch.  Just behind him a body.  Blood soaked his left hand as he clutched a fistful of hair.  In toe was a body being dragged at a slow and torturous pace.  I could hear her whimpers as her fingernails scraped along the old wood of the porch.  Just then Tierra’s footsteps finally reached my destination.  As her eyes fell upon the scene I could hear panic in each breath.

            "Oh my God, let her go!” She shrieked at the top of her lungs.

            Upon hearing her voice, Hayden struggled to turn her head.  She glanced over at us.  Her scream pierced my soul.

            “He didn't almost drown.  He was possessed.”  I uttered.

            Tierra’s hands slowly covered her mouth in terror as she witnessed her best friend’s body being dragged from the cabin by Kyle who was now under Reaper control. Out of instinct Tierra raced towards Hayden's body just as my left-arm extended, blocking her path.  In an instant the Reaper and I made eye contact.  Its intention was to kill us all, but this would not be allowed.  Time around me came to a sudden halt.  Finally, my right eye began to tremble uncontrollably.  The pupil of my eye split into four forming a cross.  From inside my eye a black liquid that spilled into the pigmentation of the right side of my face.  This liquid flowed down my neck and across the shoulder to my right as it engulfed my arm and consumed half of my chest.  The liquid solidified forming a sleek, black armor.  Its polished luster shimmered in the dying sunlight.  Around my fingertips the claws of a savage beast formed out of the liquid as I prepared to strike down the Reaper where he stood.  With each use of my angelic armor a chant from the Torah quickly follows:

Ephesians 6:10-13

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take a stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil and heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, stand.

            Chanting these words gave me strength and power over my armor even here.  With it I will stave off death.  With the world around me returning with motion I raise my left arm to block Tierra, and then released time yet again. With renewed strength I forced Tierra backwards, willing her to the ground as I charged forward.  I braced my right hand brandishing my claws keeping them at the ready.  Overwhelmed by my speed, the Reaper released Hayden's hair and darted for safety.  My claws had missed their target but achieved their goal.  The Reaper leapt 20 or so feet away from the cabin.  The finish of my heavenly armor extended halfway across my chest and consumed my entire right arm is claws polished and sharpened for war.  Hayden was free but as the Reaper stood before me it slowly completed its transformation, slowly devouring Kyle’s body in black ghostly robes.  He was gone.  Only it remained. 

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