❤ Chapter 2 ❤

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"I'm home!" I called out as I entered through my front door. I took my shoes off along with my coat and walked into the living room to have my mother suddenly jump me, "Soooo how was it?" She asked me as she wrapped her arms around my neck like they were snakes. I choked my sentence out from the remaining air I had left "I-i't was ok, I m-met H-Haruhi." I said. Her arms dropped instantly and I feel to my knees trying to breath in some more air. "You mean that nice cute and quite girl who was quite clever?" My mother questioned me as I continued to regain my oxygen supply. Once I was ok I stood back up and nodded my head, "AWHHH THAT'S SO CUTE! JUST LIKE A MOVIE!" She screamed as latched onto me again and swung me round. My mother can be like a teenage girl sometimes. I laughed because who wouldn't when your mother acts like a teenager, when she finally let me go she gave me one last hug and ran of into the kitchen most likely to make dinner.

I walked off to my room and placed my bag next to my desk and flopped onto my bed, today had been one very strange day. I go to a school for the rich, find my childhood friend who I lost after we left school and I met a group of boys that are in a host club. Just like my mother said, like a movie. The rest of the evening went by fast, I had dinner with my mother and brother because my father had to stay late. I did the necessary homework and decided it was best to go to bed early because who knew what would happen tomorrow at Ouran academy.

I headed to school with a better thought on things and excitement about seeing Haruhi again. I had no double looks, no whispers behind my back and no sniggers as I walked through the schools front gates. Walking to my classroom I bumped into the twins Hikaru and Koaru, I was about to just keep my head down and walk straight passed them when I thought against it and took a deep dreary to calm any nerves that were there. "Hiya." I called out to them and walked along side Hikaru, I was still nervous talking to them because I had only just key them yesterday and they did grab me and drag me to a bigger bunch of strangers.

"Hi." they both said at the same time which amazed me once again. I mean who wouldn't be amazed at that, they do it flawlessly! The rest of the walk was silent and I felt so nervous from the silence and all the stares I got from the girls that looked like they wanted to get rid of me swiftly and away from the twins. Hikaru and Koaru didn't seemed bothered by the stares they were getting and all the glares I was reviving, my nerves got the better of ne and so I sunk ny head lower and gripped the handle of my bag tighter. "I think I'll walk ahead, see you in class." I mumbled under my breath to the twins and walked a little faster to the classroom. My cheeks were on fire and my hand was kinda warn two because of how tight I was gripping onto it.

I made it to my classroom in quick time and headed straight for my seat. Once I placed all my belongings in there appropriate places I folded my arms onto ky desk and placed my head into the little nest my arms made. What was I thinking, I mean there in a host club so they would mist likely have people that don't like seeing them with other girls. Then I wounder how Haruhi copes with all those girls clinging onto her even though she herself is a girl surrounded by other girls trying to win her affection.

I brought my head up just in time to see Haruhi making her way over towards me. I pushed a smile onto my face so not to worry her and gave a small wave "Hi Haruhi." I called just as she got close. She smiled,waved back and stood right next to my desk, atleast I wasn't getting death stares from any of the girls here. "Hi Kokoa, is something wrong?" she asked me with a concerned look on her face. I shook my head rapidly and hopefully gave a reassuring smile, I hate worrying people especially Haruhi because she has so much already to deal with let alone having to look after me. "Oh nothing, just still nervous about all the new people I'm surrounded by." I told her and let out a little sigh. 

Haruhi let out a little laugh and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry they may be posh and a little narrow minded but they open up to you eventually, and even sooner to you because you have a likable personality." I felt so much better with the word of reassurance Haruhi had given me and so my face must of lit up like a Christmas tree with the smile I had on. "Thank Haruhi, that host club is lucky to have a reassuring and kind person such as yourself." I murmured as she now let out a sigh "It does take a lot to get use to them.." Her thoughts wondered off as she headed for her seat. It was hard not letting Haruhi's cover get blown that she was actually a girl and not a boy, I find it weird how the boys in the host club are alright with this. 

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