Chapter 1| A Question

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"Shut your goddamned mouth you fuckin Jew!" Cartman yelled. Stan was walking up the sidewalk to the bus stop to find Cartman and Kyle yelling at each other, as usual.

"Don't belittle my people, fatass!" Kyle exclaimed. Being as pale as he was, his face became red with anger, something Stan saw as adorable. He decides to join in.

"I'd rather be a Jew than have my mom be on the front page of Crack Whore every month" Stan added. Kenny laughed and muffled, "She has big titties though." Kyle smiled and mumbled "I think we can all agree that the picture of Cartman's ass titties we gave to the 6th graders were the best." Stan snickered "I still can't believe they actually got off to that."  The bus stopped in front of them.

They boarded the bus and sat in their usual seats, one for Stan and Kyle, one for Cartman and Kenny. Cartman was talking about some messed up dream he had last night while Stan and Kyle talked about the new Terrance and Philip episode that aired yesterday. As they neared the school, Stan saw Wendy with an inquisitive look on her face while waiting near the gate. They got off the bus, and Stan took one last look at Kyle before getting dragged off by Wendy.

Wendy pulled Stan aside and looked at him for a good three minutes.

"What?" Stan asked, he didn't know what she wanted

"Stan, you can't keep 'dating me' forever! Look, I wanna help you in every way possible, but eventually I'll want to actually date someone too you know." Wendy said.

"I know I know Wendy, but I can't just come out... It's not that easy! I'm really grateful for all your help... And I swear I'll work on it! I'll get back to you in English, ok? I gotta get to class." Stan explained while walking away.

Wendy sighed and mumbled "whatever" as she walked toward her science class. Stan really needs to get his act together, I love him and wanna help but I don't want him to wait any longer. He deserves to be with Kyle.

Stan took a seat in his usual seat in the back of the history class. Nothing better than some old white guy telling you modified stories to wake you up in the morning, Stan thought. He got bored of this class very easily and counted the minutes down every day.

Stan packed up his bag a couple minutes ahead of time and sat at the edge of his desk waiting for the bell to ring. Once it did, he got up and walked into his Spanish class, he noticed Kyle was a bit out of sorts. Wonder what's wrong with him? Stan sat a couple desks away from Kyle, which allowed Stan to gaze as much as he wanted at him. I'll throw a piece of paper at him. Stan wrote down "You feeling alright?" and threw it. It hit Kyle on the cheek, he jumped a little and Stan smirked. Kyle opened the folded paper and raised an eyebrow. He looked at Stan with a face that said was this you? Stan nodded and waited for a reply. Soon a paper hit Stan's desk, as he was opening it, a voice called out.


"S-sorry Mr. Hernandes, my grandma just died and I was telling Stan..." Kyle lied. Stan caught on and added, "Kyle it's ok you don't have to explain."

"You're damn wrong, Marsh. My grandma died a year ago and I sucked it up like a man! YOU TWO, DETENTION. AFTERSCHOOL."

"God damnit," they both cursed as the bell rang. The two talked for a little after class and the parted ways.

After 3rd period came lunch.

"Hello there children," Chef said happily.

"Hey Chef" the four said in unison.

"Haven't seen you buys get lunch in about a week."

"Yeah that's because Kenny's poor and has to skip sometimes," Cartman said while grabbing his lunch tray.

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