Chapter 14

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On the last chapter...

Scar dropped Mufasa off the gorge! "AH!!!!" Mufasa screamed.

"Noooooo!!!!" Simba and Kopa screamed.

Current time

When Simba and Kopa went down the gorge, they were looking for Mufasa, but they couldn't find him anywhere.

When the last wildebeests past the ground, the cubs looked at the wildebeest, and there he was.

Mufasa was lying down, below the tree branch.

Simba and Kopa ran to their father.

When Simba ad Kopa looked at Mufasa's face, his eyes were closed.

"Dad?" Simba and Kopa said at the same time.

First they were happy to see him, but there was no replie.

"Dad, c'mon!" Kopa said.

"You gotta get up!" Simba said, nuzzling Mufasa's face.

"Dad." Simba and Kopa said.

"We gotta go home." Kopa said.

Then, Simba and Kopa was pullling his ear, but nothing came from his mouth.

"Help! Somebody!" Simba and Kopa was now crying.

Then, Simba and Kopa lied down next to Mufasa.

Then, Scar showed up.

"Simba, Kopa.(Simba and Kopa look at Scar) What have you done?" Scar said.

"There were wildebeests and, he tried to save us. I.. It was an accident, I... I didn't mean it to happen." Kopa said.

"Yeah. We didn't mean it to happen." Simba said.

"Of course. Of course. You guys didn't. No one ever means these things to happen. But the king is dead.(Simba and Kopa looked shocked) If it weren't for guys, he will still be alive." Scar said.

Then, Simba and Kopa had tears on their faces.

"Ho! (Simba and Kopa looked at Scar superizing) What will you guy's mother think?" Scar said.

"What will we do?" Simba and Kopa asked Scar at the same time.

"Run away, Simba, Kopa. (Simba and Kopa looked at Mufasa, then looked back at Scar) Run. Run away, and Never return." Scar said.

Then, Simba was going to run away, but Kopa said, "But, bro! Wait!"

"What?" Simba asked his younger brother.

"We can't just leave here! I mean, you're the future king! And I'm the future Lion Guard!" Kopa said.

Then Scar sighed.

"Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding that for me bro!" Simba said.

"This isn't how it's suppose to go..." Scar whispered.

"We're sorry uncle Scar. But we can't just leave here." Simba said.   

"Wait. Why did you want us to leave? You... you hate us?" Kopa said.

"Well Simba, Kopa, I have three secrets." Scar said.

"What is it?" Simba and Kopa said.

"Well, I can nly tell you guys, two of my secrets." Scar said.

"Okay" The cubs said.

"Well, I used to be the leader of the Lion Guard!" Scar said.

"Really?" Simba and Kopa said.

"Yes. And the other secret, is that... I'm from the Outlands, were the Elephant Graveyard was, and I'm working with the hyenas." Scar said.

"What? Why" The cubs asked.

"Well,... I can't tell you." Scar said.

"You probobly already know my story, because your father told you." Scar said.

"Oh! I remember now!" The cubs said.

"Well, you guys should go because the hyenas will case you!" Scar said. Then, he said, "Kill them."

While Simba and Kopa ran, Kopa had a plan.

"Let's go back to the Pridelands, so the hyenas will be scared of the lionesses! I'll distrac them, and you will go back to the Pridelands and be safe!" Kopa said.

"Okay! But what about you!" Simba said.

"Don't worry! I'll be safe! I promise!" Kopa said.

"Now go back to the Pridelands, Bro!" Kopa said.

"Okay!" Sima said.

continue on next chapter

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