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Damion pov

"Wassup pops." I said walking through the back door. Matti mugged me since i aint close the door. "Wassup son, we need to talk about something big." He sat down in his big chair. While me and matti sat down on the love seat. She put her feet on my lap as i sat back on the couch. "Your little sister." He looked like he was angry. "Matter of fact ... Ariel!" His voice boomed throughout the house. She came running in with her doll. "Hmm?" She said leaning on his legs. "Come here." He picked her up, she haven't even noticed us yet. "Move your hair." She lifted up her hair and i looked closely i noticed some red marks. I look at mati and her eyes were dark. A vain was popping out in her arm. "Alright go play princess." She ran out the room not noticing us. "You knew about this? Did you do this?" Mati took her feet off me as she starred at her step father. "I aint gotta hurt my granddaughter, your boyfriends little sister hurt her she tried killing her because she was irritating her." He stood up and was pacing.
"You should have hit her." Mati got up and headed upstairs. "You better get her." Then i heard my little sister scream, we both rushed upstairs. "Domt you ever fucking put her hands on her again!" Mati screamed and beat her with a belt. "Stop you fucking bitch." "Watch your fucking mouth you not grown." Mati said hitting her more times with belt. I grabbed her because her skin was red as hell plus i had to handle her.

Not interesting i know, I was just wanted a small update.

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