X's and O's

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Note: Pang-Stellar Collision Part 2 talaga 'tong chapter na 'to eh. But here you go (flesh and bone, heart of gold*). Na-miss ko lang silang isulat. Enjoy! - IS

My wife didn't give me any chance to put down my bags from my trip because she came rushing towards me the minute I set foot inside the house. I came from a job somewhere south of the country but even before I left, we haven't seen each other for days so I understand her eagerness on seeing me. I was just as excited to see her, even more so.

"Coach!!! I missed you so much," she declared, jumping up to me and wrapping her legs around my waist.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that she flaunted those exact same legs for all the world to see? I wanted to run all the way to Manila just to cover them up but then I really couldn't 'cause I was actually staring at them, hypnotised, perhaps along with thousands of other men.

She gave me the sweetest, steamiest, longest welcome kiss. Whew! She's on fire!

"Missed you too." I said when she finally gave me my lips back. From my peripheral vision, I saw my manager trying to sneak out after dropping my stuff inside the house. "Pancho's here," I whispered to her. She was still wrapped around me, like a little monkey, a gorgeous monkey, if I may say so.

"Hey! Sir Pancho, come have dinner with us," she shouted not getting down from, er, me.

My manager laughed nervously, throwing a quick glance at us and then immediately looking away. I can feel his discomfort even from a distance. "I don't think so. Maybe next time. Goodnight, you two," he said. He was scratching his head. "I just hope I get the same warm welcome at home," he added. He waved us goodbye, got into his car and drove off.

The little monkey wouldn't let go of me so I walked inside our house carrying her. I laid her down gently on the sofa.

"How have you been?" I asked, looking down at her.

"I just got home about half an hour ago myself. Hmm. I don't think you missed me at all."

"That's right. I didn't," I said before I dove right in and kissed her. Let's see if she sticks to her complaint after that smooch. I'm a strong believer in justice: an eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss.

"Did you enjoy your shoot in Batangas?" I inquired.

"To be honest, I didn't have time to enjoy the view, you know? But the locals were very nice. They were the best part of it."

"How was your leading man?"

"Him? Oh, he's really sweet and we hit it off immediately. I love talking to him. I think I could probably talk to him for days on end. He's quite a talker, actually and I love listening to him go on and on about anything and everything. And he's got this really nice, soothing voice that I believe could brighten up even the darkest day."

"Seriously?!" She learned all of that about a man in a day? She didn't have time to enjoy the view but she had enough time to talk to him that long? Clearly, she's smitten.

"Haha. Yes! And I love making him jealous like right now 'cause he's so cute when he is." She lifted her head up to kiss the tip of my nose.

"What? I'm confused." Oh, she was talking about me. Right. I remember her telling me that I was the only leading man she's got. I couldn't help but smile about the things she said to describe me.

"Oh my gosh, you're actually blushing! Ha!" I turned away from her so she wouldn't see.

"What am I going to do with Sam Smith?" she asked a few moments later, recovering from her laughter. She was toying with the edge of my shirt. Did she want me to take it off? Haha. Hold your horses, Boo.

"What about him?"

"Our tickets. What am I going to do with them?" Oh, that's right. We were supposed to watch Sam Smith's concert together. I bought the tickets last year. "The event is in a few days. Should we just give them away?"

It was supposed to be a big day for both of us. We set the date aside and freed our schedules for it but then Sam Smith got sick and had to postpone his tour. And that was after we messed up both of our calendars just so we would be available for that day. When they announced his new date, I already had a scheduled gig and it was too late to back out.

"No. Don't. Go watch him without me. Take someone else with you. Don't waste the tickets. Those are prime seats." I remember seeing the tickets being sold out online just minutes after I scored ours.

"This was supposed to be our date. It feels wrong to go through with it without you." She got up and and sat properly beside me. Her legs are really catching my eyes these days. I don't know why.  I put them on my lap and relished the sight and feel of them.

"That's alright. We both know how much you love him. You've been waiting for this. I remember you were even counting down the days."

"Yes, because I thought I would be spending it with you. But now--"

"Listen, here's what we're going to do. You go watch the concert, take whoever's willing. Take your boyfriend." I grinned at her. She rolled her eyes at me. That's right, my wife has a fake boyfriend and it's obviously not me. "Enjoy the show and when that's done and my thing is done, I'll come get you and we will go through with our date. We'll take whatever is left of the night and you will tell me all about how awesome Sam Smith is."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I was sure. She can go out, party and enjoy another artist's music and another person's company and that's perfectly fine with me as long as she goes home to me and sleeps beside me at the end of the day.

"Don't you have another gig the next day?"

"I do but that's alright. I don't have to check in until late in the afternoon."

"Here's an idea: Why don't I just ditch Sam Smith and watch your show instead?"

"Honey, you don't really think that's a good idea, right?" Oh, the riot that would create. The students will go crazy! The event I would be performing in is a school affair.

"I can come in disguise as one of your assistants, or one of Miss Mabeth's," she said, smiling sheepishly at her own insane idea. "Or I could pretend to be one of the students."

"Right," I said. She stared at me, waiting for me to say more. "No."

"Why not?"

"I don't think I'd be able to concetrate on my job when I know I'd be worried about you getting caught." She sighed, touching my face and looking at me intently.

"Why did Sam Smith have to get sick? And we had such a hard time freeing that date. I think I even gave Sir Pancho a headache after I hounded him for days to do something about it. All for nothing." She pouted and crossed her arms in front of her. 

"Cheer up, will you? Promise, I'll make it up to you after."

"How are you ever going to make up for missing a Sam Smith concert with me? That's a super huge offense. It's unforgivable. You can't make up for that."

"You think?"

"Uhuh," she responded, an eyebrow raised.

"Come here and I'll show you how."

She did. And I did.

*Do you recognize these words? 😃

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