Pixie Dust

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I'm supposed to be on a break but I learned belatedly that it's a friend's birthday so I thought I'd write something especially for her.

Happy birthday, dear! Cut me some slack, alright? I didn't have much time. I hope you like it. ;)

(This picture of a flying B is Sir Sherwin's. He could really be Peter Pan, no?)

Happy new year everyone! - IS

"All children grow up, all but one." (J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan)

"Pan, Tink is in the building. I repeat, Tink is in the building." It was my manager on the phone, talking about God knows what, in a tone reminiscent of the one security details use in action flicks.

"What's this nonsense, Panch?" I barked at him.

"What, you forgot our codenames already?"

"What codenames?"

"Peter Pan and Tinker Bell? For you and you-know-who? I just saw her get out of the car with her mother. She's just a few minutes away now."

I'm reminded of one drunken night I shared with him where I unfortunately spilled my guts about my feelings for my co-mentor. He has since appointed himself as my wingman and promised to help my "cause" of pursuing her despite how many times I've told him that I didn't plan on pursuing anyone. 

"Why Peter Pan?" I asked him then, as I downed what remained from my bottle of beer.

"Don't you know? It's her pet name for you. Because you don't seem to grow old, she says."

"Really?" I let that thought float in my mind for a bit as I decide how it makes me feel. "Why is she Tinker Bell then? Why not Wendy?"

You see, if I were in my right mind that time, I wouldn't have been discussing fairy tale pairings with my manager but as it was, I was drunk as hell and was consequently open to any and all ideas, insane or not.

"Oh, I've always liked her over Wendy. Also, I believe that Tinker Bell is Peter Pan's soulmate and not Wendy." This coming from a full grown man. You may be drunk as hell but you will never be so-drunk-you're-talking-about-fictional-characters'-soulmates-with-your-manager kind of drunk.

I shook the disturbing conversation from my mind and focused on the one I was presently having.

"Will you quit that, Pancho? Why do we even need codenames? It's ridiculous. Besides, you don't have to warn me every time she's around."

"Don't be a buzzkill, Pan. Now, be an obedient boy and fix yourself up before she arrives."

"Oh, bugger off and just get your ass in here." I said and ended the call.

She flew in, er, I mean walked in a few minutes later, humming to herself, her earphones on both of her ears. She did seem to have a spring in her step so I guess the word flying would've been appropriate after all. She didn't notice me standing awkwardly across the wide room, gawking at her.

She went on, lost in her own Neverland, rocking to the music that only she could hear. I never hear her sing any of the lyrics though. That's something new.

Looking at the way she moves, I understand how Pancho would choose to compare her to a teeny tiny fairy instead of a mere mortal like Wendy. She's walking and breathing magic, spreading her pixie dust everywhere she goes. When I saw her pause and check her player some moments later, I took the opportunity to come up to her and strike up a conversation.

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