Chapter 26

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From Conner

Hey Megan. I know this is weird. Trust me texting you is weird to. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and I want to try and be friends again. I know what we had was something special. I miss being around you. I know you have a boyfriend, but I would love to be friends. I go off to college this year and I can't go without you and I being on taking terms.

I stare at the text message. I blink a couple times and then reply.

To Conner

Hey con. Ya I know. This is weird. I would actually love to be your friend. I miss having you around. Ya beau and I are still dating, but being friends with you will make me happy.

From Conner

Omg that's great. So can we hang out? I don't know if beau will be ok with it

To Conner

I can talk to him. I don't know what he's gonna say but oh well.

He replays but I don't look at it. I feel bad. I know that beau talks to chelsey but I shouldn't be that girlfriend.

Right when I was about to lock my phone, it started to ring.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey it's aunt Jamie" my aunt says.

"Oh hey" I say.

"I know this is weird. I just wanted your opinion. For the funeral I was thinking we have it at your church, and we can invite everyone" she says. Here come the tears.

"Can we please not talk about this. Call cam or something. I'm not emotional ready" I say.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." She says.

"It's fine. I just can't Handle into at the moment." I say.

"Ok. I love you" she says hanging up. I pull the covers over my head and cry until i fall asleep.


"WHAT THE FUCK MEGAN!" Beau says waking me up.

"whaa" i say rolling over to him to see him on my phone.


"What no. He texted me." i say sitting up.


"Well sorry. I didnt know you felt that. Come to think of it, you need to stop talking to chelsey" i say. he looks up and his face is pale.

"megan" he says looking at me.

"Ya. I found that out. Dont tell me what to do when your doing the same thing" i say. He looks at me and then storms out of the room. I pull my legs up to my chest and start crying.

"Beau, you cant just be a dick to her because your angry" I here Luke say.

"I just cant take it anymore. Shes pissing me off, and we have only been dating 3 months. I cant wait to go back to Australia" Beau says.

"Your gonna miss her when your gone" Luke says.

"probably, but i think we need a break" he says. tears still in my eyes, i get off his bed and open the door. Beau looks at me. His face looks sick.

"Fine then. Im breaking up with you" i say walking out of the room and then running outside. I pull out my phone and call cam.

"Hey megs" he says.

"Cam" i say crying.

"What happened?" he asks.

"beau and I broke up. Can you come pick me up?" i ask.

"Of course" he says. i hang up and just sit outside. The fans were calling my name, but i ignored them.

Moments later Jai pulled into the driveway and saw me. he gets out of his car and comes over to me.

"Megs?" he asks. i just cry and he sits down next to me and i cry in his arms.

"Jai, do you think its possible if you could go in and grab my stuff my beaus room?" i say still crying. he nods and goes inside. I pull out my phone and go on twitter. The fans were already tweeting about me and beau. I sigh and compose a new tweet.

@megandallas: guys, everything is ok. we are fine. Somethings have happened and  hes going back home for a while. Theres nothing to worry about. love you guys

From beau

thanks for the tweet. Im sry about what i said. I still love you

I didnt reply. Jai came back moments later with my stuff, and cameron shows up a little later after.

"Cam. I dont know what happened, but whatever it is, beau is heartbroken" Jai says to my brother.

"He shouldnt be. he was the one saying he didnt want to be in a relationship" i say. Cameron looks like he's about to shoot someone.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?" He asks.

"Beau and I broke up" I say. Cameron looks angrier than I have ever seen him.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!" Cameron screams. As if on Que beau walks out of the house. His eyes were red and swollen.

"Cameron. I honestly don't know what to tell you" he says.

"I don't want to fucking here it beau. Ya broke my sisters heart. I don't want you to ever come around her or me ever again" he says. He grabs my arm and we get into the car. I was still crying, and when we were pulling out I see jai hugging his crying brother.

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