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Brad P.O.V

I already called James, Sophie, Tris and Connor. They should be here any minute now.

I sat down and waited.

They finally came.

"Is. She. OK?" James asked.

"Yeah, why do you care so much?" I asked.

James looked at Sophie and Sophie looked at James.

"I don't think Spring who want me to say. It'll upset her."

"She's not here."

"5 years ago, when she was 15 her parents got shot from some dude. 2 days later me and Sophie took her in. We fount her sleeping on ground outside out house. Ever since that day, she didn't wanna talk about it. Her parents were mean and cruel to her. They always shouted at her and hit her. It makes her who she is today. Tough and let's nobody get in her way."

"Why did you tell him!?" Spring shouted with anger showing up from behind.

I stood there.

"H-He wanted to know!" James replied.

"You and Sophie vowed to never tell nobody! You broke it! You felt like a big brother to me and a sister to me! I guess I thought wrong." Sophie said.

"Oh damn." Connor said with a hint of fear.

A nurse came up to us.

"The reaction was bad, but we took care of it. Make sure Spring takes her pills." The Nurse said.

We nod our heads and left.

We didn't speak to each other for the whole ride.

We arrived at Sophie and Springs house. We dropped them off and went home.

Sophie's P.O.V

I tried everything to make Spring talk to me. But nothing.

"Please talk to me." I said.

Spring shook her head.

"Ill do anything."

"You don't get it! YOU OUT OF ALL SHOULD KNOW NOT TO TELL ANYONE AFTER YOU VOWED. YOU SWORE AND PROMISED. We're not friends. You burned our friendship."

Spring took her friendship her bracelet off and threw it.

I gave it to her 4 years ago. She never took it off since.

But I guess she did.

You And Me- Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now