Vicious Cycle XVI

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Starr was completely fuming as Critical was lip-locking with Ice. Ice was all over Critical as Critical was stoned. Starr was at an angle where she could only see Critical. Starr then looked to her side and saw a young man wearing a dark coloured hoody. She approached him. The young man, of English descent smiled

“What’s good, darling?” he grinned

“Yo…Can I please borrow your hoody for a minute?” Starr asked but she tried to be calm following Critical’s betrayal

“Why, what you wanna do with it?” The young man asked as he took a good look at Starr’s beauty. He was mesmerised “Is my girl gonna start trouble?”

“Please…I need to handle some business, alright?” Starr asked as she tried not to appear desperate

“Why should I help you?” The young man asked “I don’t know you – you could be a mass murderer for all I know”

“Do you want me to get you murdered?” Starr declared as she was annoyed. The young man was taken aback “No…I didn’t mean that…Oh gosh, please let me borrow it. I’ll even give you £5”

“Cool, but I want a kiss also” The young man grinned “What? It’s not every day that I come across such a sexy, fine piece of work like you, init?”

Starr was frustrated but desperately needed the hoody for her plan. She took a deep breath and brought out a £5 note. The young man then took off his hoody and gave it to Starr. He then smiled and got close, indicating the kiss Starr promised. Starr then got close to the young man’s face, and quickly placed her hand in front of the man’s lips and kissed her hand. The young man then opened his eyes and saw Starr waving as she walked off with his hoody. He looked at his hand and saw the £5 note

“OI…That ain’t fair! THAT DON’T COUNT” The young man barked as Starr placed the hoody over her head.

Suddenly, the music switches to and high energy tune and everyone is soon on the dancing ground underneath the clear night sky. Critical then held his head, as it is apparent that he had a headache. Ice then looked at the direction that Fury and Frenzy were in. Fury showed that he didn’t take the picture at the right moment. Ice was frustrated and pulled Critical to a clearer spot to where Fury could take the incriminating picture. Starr, with the hoody masking her eyes in shadow, approached the punch bowl. As Ice was dancing with Critical, Fury indicated for her to hurry up. Ice rolled her eyes and turned to Critical. She then planted another passionate kiss onto his lips. Critical was so intoxicated that he didn’t realise. Fury then took the picture. Ice smiled at Critical, but then her eyes ballooned in shock. She cowardly made a run for it, leaving Critical confused. Starr then dumped the punch on Critical; completely drenching him in the process

Pro gradually stopped dancing with his lady friend and looked on, he tapped his brother who was dancing with his lady friend

“Who the fuck did that?”

“Shit…Who did that to Critical?” Whiz rhetorically asked “Someone’s got a death wish”

Major then approached Critical, who was mildly drunk. He gave him a cloth to wipe his face

“Fuck…Whoever did that is DEAD TONIGHT. Don’t you worry, bro” Major vowed

“Nah its cool…I got this” Critical growled as he angrily stormed off to catch the perpetrator

Critical angrily followed the hoody-wearing person down a London street

“OI…” Critical barked, prompting the person to stop “If you don’t want me to blow your top off right this second, you better face me”

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