Prologue: 13 Years Prior

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No one's POV

The snow covered trees swayed in the winds, bending towards a path that ran between them; as if greeting anyone who walked there.

Tonight, a freezing winter night,  there was someone there, a man, who wore a black jacket with a hood, which covered his face beyond recondition.   

The man walked up the path, carrying something in his hands, something covered in blankets, keeping out the harsh winds.

The man's boots crunched in the fresh sheet of snow that had fallen that night, and still continued to, a couple of flakes here and there.

Finally, passing the trees that seem to bow to him and making his was to an old shack's door, he placed the bundles of baby-blue cloth on the door step.

"Take care," he murmured, taking out a pendent shaped like a snowflake and placing it on the cloths' surface.

"I'll come back, I promise." The man stood, staring at the bundle for a couple of seconds, before ringing the old door bell on the door and retreating back to the shadows.

The high pitched ring was followed by crying; for it was a baby that was covered in the cloth, and the bell had disturbed it's slumber.

"What?" A muffled voice said from inside the shack; presumably hearing the crying.

After a couple of seconds, the door opened inwards, revealing a middle aged man wearing a crimson robe, and slippers, who looked down, alarmed by what he saw.

He looked around, looking for the person responsible from leaving the infant on his doorstep, but the man from earlier had disappeared, as if he vanished from thin air.

Scooping up the crying baby, the man shut the door and carried the baby inside his not-so-warm house.

He placed the infant in the reclining chair that he was sitting on before he was disturbed, as a tiny fist with a blue sleeve punched it's way out, removing the cloth off itself.

In doing so, the pendent fell to the floor, not shattering, but once again alarming the man, not knowing it was there.

The baby successfully removed the blanket, breathing in the cold air that had seeped into the house, and stopped crying at once.

The man picked up the pendent that had fell, and was about to put in to the side of blankets, only to have a tiny hand take it from him.

He looked up, to see a baby girl, dressed in a icy blue shirt, pants and shoes, giggling at the new thing she had managed to get in her clutches.

The baby's oddly colored blue hair was shoulder length, and he chewed on a strand as her crystal colored eyes scanned the unfamiliar chain.

The man chuckled; not have seeing a baby with such peculiar hair in his life.

"Well! Hi, I guess. You be staying with me now." the man started.

The girl looked up at him flummoxed.

"You don't know a word I'm saying now. But anyway, you'll need a name." The man started to think of a name that suited the baby.

"How about, Crystal?" He asked the baby, aware that she wouldn't understand.

The baby giggled; something that sounded like music.

"Ok, Crystal it is!" The man picked up the baby, her giggles and laughter getting louder.

The man couldn't help but smile at the girl, her joy rubbing off of her.

The man stopped smiling, realizing something: The baby was so happy, but she didn't know that she was abandoned. 

"Huh, you were kicked out too." The man whispered to himself, remembering the day where his father kicked him out of the house. His brother not doing anything.

His brother.

His eyes drifted to the room next to the one he stood. The secrets that it held...

Crystal stopped giggling, noticing the man's distress.

The man's thoughts were interrupted by Crystal's stared; one full of sympathy as if she knew what he went through. 

"Well, that doesn't matter! You'll have more fun here that you would have at your old home. And it's all because of your new Grunkle Stan!" Stan said, smiling once again.

The baby giggled louder that her first outburst, before yawning.

Stan quickly caught on. He set the girl on his chair, putting the blanket on her.

And before long, little snore could be heard, coming from the blanket that covered the girl's sleeping form.

Stan couldn't help but smile at her. "Things are going to get better, and this is sure a sign of it.

Finding Out (DipperxOc) *Discontinued*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt